We are now getting to see who and what the Democratic party is and you would do well to remember it. Remember the Kavanaugh lynching?
We were told that he was not fit to be on the Supreme Court because Christine Blasey Ford came forth with apparently false allegations and with zero evidence.
Now, Tara Reade comes onto the scene with a very credible case and different Democrats have a different reactions to the news.
Some, like Pelosi, say they believe Biden which is a crock of crap.
Others say they don’t care if the accusations are true or not, they will vote for Joe Biden.
Martin Tolchin, a co-founder of Politico and The Hill says that he does not want Justice for Reade even if her accusations are true, Cher and many others have taken the same attitude.
Tolchin said:
“I totally disagree with this editorial. I don’t want an investigation. I want a coronation of Joe Biden. I don’t want justice, whatever that may be. I want a win, the removal of Donald Trump from office, and Mr. Biden is our best chance.”
Frame it and hang it on a wall. pic.twitter.com/QeBH2P9jnT
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) May 5, 2020
Tolchin was particularly concerned about the investigation because of the possibility that it would reveal information that would hurt Biden in the upcoming 2020 election.
Tolchin appeared determined to beat Trump at all costs.
“Suppose an investigation reveals damaging information concerning his relationship with Tara Reade or something else, and Mr. Biden loses the nomination to Senator Bernie Sanders or someone else with a minimal chance of defeating Mr. Trump,” Tolchin wrote. “Should we really risk the possibility?”
The NYT’s editorial board piece that Tolchin was so frustrated with pushed for an investigation into Reade’s accusations.
“Americans deserve to know more about a sexual assault accusation against the likely Democratic Party nominee,” the editorial board wrote.
At least six people have corroborated part of Reade’s allegations against Biden, the Daily Caller News Foundation previously reported.
Reade’s story does have inconsistencies, as the Daily Caller has pointed out.
The NYT editorial board noted this, but wrote that it doesn’t mean the allegation should be ignored