Another day, another sad and embarrassing moment for former VP Joe Biden. This joins a growing and significant number of recorded mental lapses and anger outbursts from the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee.
Earlier today, the former VP, now 77-years-old, emerged from his basement bunker to host a roundtable discussion in Philadelphia. The main topic was the reopening of the US economy and as usual, did not go as scripted by his handlers.
What is so concerning is that Biden, at one point in the video, completely loses his train of thought — while he is reading from his notes! He says something like this – “You know, the rapidly rising, uh, um, uh, in with uh, with uh, I don’t know, uh”.
Joe Biden doesn't know what Juneteenth is:
"He’s going down to Texas on Juneteenth, right? The first major massacre … of the Black Wall Street, right?"
1. President Trump is going to Texas today, not June 19
2. Juneteenth is about emancipation
3. The massacre was in Oklahoma— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) June 11, 2020
Benny’s tweet sums up this event for a lot of American’s
This is painful to watch.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) June 11, 2020
This is similar to other concerning moments for Joe Biden.
WATCH: Joe Biden confuses the Constitution with the Declaration of Independence.
WATCH: Joe Biden confuses the Constitution with the Declaration of Independence.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) June 11, 2020
Watch Joe Biden lost his temper on Wednesday during an NAACP virtual town hall when he was told some young people don’t like him.
Any serious person has to ask why an aging lifetime politician, with a poor record towards civil rights, accused of sexual assault and obviously losing his mental capacities, will be the Democrat’s choice to run again President Trump. A few more popular opinions online are; The establishment will select a woman to be his VP with the expectation she would have to take over shortly after the election, ushering in the first woman President. Secondly, the establishment would use President Biden, to advance their progressive agenda throughout the President’s mental lapses.
Either way, the United States of America would suffer irreparable damage from such a decision as electing Joe Biden.