California continues to be the poster child for mail in voter fraud. Gov Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law that requires the state to send ballots to every voter in the state.
That includes 23,000 dead people and an untold number of illegal aliens whom the state registered under their motor voter laws.
To make matters worse, they will accept any mail in ballot up to 17 days after them election. This is perfect for the Democrats who perpetrate voter fraud much more often than they represent American interests.
Now, they will know exactly how many votes they need to manufacture in close or not so close elections to win. It is a practice that Broward County Florida has been using for years. Democrats may never lose another election in California.
They will have the 23,000 ballots from those who are dead, 2,000 duplicate registrants , 1,525 registrants who apparently voted twice from the same addresses in the last three elections, and 280 registrants who apparently voted twice in two California counties in 2016.
PILF President J. Christian Adams said in a statement:
California has a history of demonstrating that automation in voting processes will cause errors. Auto-mailings to active registrants won’t protect the state from sending ballots to dead and duplicated registrants — especially those who’ve shown an acknowledged willingness to take advantage of extra votes.
The researchers also allege that between 2012 and 2018, more than 13.8 million mail-in ballots in California have been listed as “status unknown,” and nearly 840,000 mail-in ballots have been sent to out-of-date addresses.
The allegations come as former Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and the watchdog group Judicial Watch are suing Newsom over his May 8 executive order that authorizes California officials to send mail-in ballots to all registered voters.
Government Accountability Institute Research Director Eric Eggers has previously told Breitbart News that it is “fair to assume” many illegal aliens in California will obtain mail-in ballots for this year’s general election.
California has previously had a voter registration rate of over 100 percent, indicating more registered voters on voter rolls than those eligible to vote in the state.