You don’t have to be crazy to run for office as a Democrat, but it surely doesn’t hurt. Kim Olson is a Democrat running for a House seat.
She thinks there is absolutely nothing wrong with looting businesses. While talking about the riots, she said, “Even if people loot, so what? Burn it to the ground, you know.”
While this is a typical response you would get from a Democrats, do you really want a nutcase like this, passing laws for this country?
If you are a business owner are you going to vote for someone like this?
The Washington Examiner reports:
A leading Democratic candidate in a closely watched House race brushed off looting and arson that occurred during nationwide unrest during protests about racism and police brutality sparked by the death of George Floyd.
“What the hell you got snipers on the roof for in a peaceful march? Even if people loot, so what? Burn it to the ground, you know, if that’s what it’s going to take to fix our nation,” retired Air Force Col.
Kim Olson said during a live digital event on Tuesday, shown in a clip obtained by the Washington Examiner.
“I don’t think people want me to say that,” added Olson, a Democratic candidate in Texas’s 24th Congressional District, which covers much of the suburban area in between Fort Worth and Dallas.
Olson, 62, made the comment during a several-minute answer to a question about what she thought about far-left calls to disband or defund police departments.
The Democrat primary in the 24th District has become a despicable race to the bottom for who can be the most extreme, most radical, and most destructive to our neighborhoods, state, and nation.
— Beth Van Duyne (@Bethvanduyne) June 11, 2020
Crazy idiot in Texas: Democratic TX House Candidate Kim Olson: ‘If people loot, so what?’ via @YouTube
— Roccothedog5 (@Roccothedog5) June 11, 2020
Can this be worse for the Dems?
Same time there is a pic going around of a warlord running the show in Seattle and looters all over the last few weeks, you have a defund police movement afoot within the party.
— Leigh Wolf (@LeighWolf) June 11, 2020
The Democrats have gone full batcrap crazy. Besides taking sides with Antifa, they are also demanding that we defund police departments all over the country.
For those of you who had your business or your home burned to the ground, is this the candidate for you?
Democrats used to be smarter. They still supported domestic terrorists but they were smart enough not to admit it out loud.
They would pretend to support law and order but you would never catch them actually doing so.