American’s are immersed in, what a progressive woman I met recently called “NOISE”. The mental overload from the 24-hour news cycle and fallout, creating fodder for the social media fires. In the end, most Americans are brain dead walking zombies and like in the movie 1984, simply react to situations based on the groupthink directives they have received.
In the midst of a “pandemic”, election bantering and post impeachment processings; a video of the death of an unarmed black American, Geroge Floyd, by a white police officer, overtook our nation. In reaction, George Soros funded & organized SJW/BLM riots started in most major cities. Now, several major US corporations, sports leagues, and government officials are making policies based on promoting “people of color” ahead of other US citizens.
The Left has been taught through progressive universities, the ideology of the original “City Organizer” and Hillary Clinton mentor, Saul Alinsky. His rules on how to tear down established communities and rebuild them under socialistic ideology are well entrenched in the SJW movements even though the youth executing them may now know who he was.
For example, here is rule 8 from his 1971 book – Rules For Radicals
Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage.”
In light of this ideology, CNN is stoking the fires again, this time intentionally under-reporting the events that took place in a shooting in Georgia. By minimizing the actions of the man who died, they give the impression a black man was in Wendy’s drive-through, to get some fast food, and was attacked and killed by racist police officers.
“Atlanta police officer shoots man at drive-thru”
Hoping their viewers would not research the story, just cry out racism, their headline & description was set to create the desired emotions.
Here is another liberal outlet.
Here is how Larry Johnson on Twitter explained the situation with a TMZ video saying millions of additional words.
-Drunk & asleep in a drive thru
-Failed breathalyzer
-Fighting w/copsBlack America, you DO NOT have the complexion to:
“dO wHaT tHoU WiLt.”
Hollywood really gassed your head up with this stupid mantra, and now you’re dumbfounded that you’re reaping what you sow.
— Larry Johnson (@2LarryJohnson7) June 13, 2020
I am not sure if America can ever come together, outside of the work of God. The “Noise” is so loud and globalists are so active in brainwashing the youth, we could be leading towards the erosion of the country we love. It would not be the first time a superpower collapsed from within.