OPINION| Lawrence David| In 1965, Russian defector Yuri Bezmenov, a trained operative in propaganda, recorded a video in which he explained the 4 basic steps to socially engineer entire generations into thinking and behaving the way those in power want them to.
“It’s a great brainwashing process that goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages.
The first stage is demoralization. This takes between 15-20 years.” “Because this is the minimum number of years it requires to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy. By exposing them to the ideology of your enemy…
… A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information, the facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camps he will refuse to believe it until he receives a kick in his fat bottom.
When the military boot crashes his bottom then he’ll understand but not before that.”
“The next stage is destabilization.” That 1965 interview shortly before the anti-war protests began. The Weatherman Underground grew out of that movement and the WU boss, terrorist-bomber Bill Ayers eventually spawned the political career of Barack Hussein Obama – the most destabilizing president in American history whose sad legacy is playing out before us, today.
We are in a new phase of destabilization now. One that was spawned, almost predictably, by the Obama White House and that has called together all elements of the divisive Democratic Party and their globalist financial backers.
The United States CIA has employed this strategy to destabilize foreign regimes deemed “unfriendly” so it should come as no surprise to learn powerful enemies are employing it against us… you and me.
Stage 3 is to create a crisis. Once a society has been destabilized, Bezmenov estimated it would take six to eight weeks (35 years ago pre-internet and 24/7 cable news.) Both have served to spread disinformation at light speed, allowing herd mentality to be created much more quickly.
The final stage was referred to by Bezmenov as Normalization and Subversion. He lifted that term from the Soviet Union’s propaganda playbook. The desire for any degree of “normalization” in their lives would lead Americans to accept change… no matter how illogical those promising “change” seemed to sound.
For those who can see the ramifications, defunding the police, especially in a time of violent physical confrontation, is clearly illogical… but, large numbers of brainwashed protesters are calling for exactly that… and the left-wing media isn’t calling them out for it.
For those who understand the history of economies around the world, ending capitalism, the single greatest force for creating prosperity around the world, is unfathomable, yet large numbers of brainwashed protesters are calling for the embrace of socialism.
… A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information, the facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camps he will refuse to believe it until he receives a kick in his fat bottom.
Against this backdrop, consider the outcome had Hillary Clinton been elected president instead of Donald Trump…
Large metropolitan areas would be without police protection and regular Americans would be without firearms to protect themselves.
Multinational corporations and international financiers would be feeding on what would be remaining of the once vibrant carcass of the American economy.
Think. In 2016 Hillary Clinton colluded with Russians (were they Russians operating under the direction of the Kremlin?) in an effort to prevent President Trump’s election. Why would anyone think now that the same person who demanded the American flag be taken down before her valedictory speech not be working with foreign entities now?
“If fascism ever comes to America, it will coming in the name of liberalism”