In Madison, Wisconsin, the police were ordered to stand down and allow the rioters to loot and burn to their heart’s content. Despite all of the rioting and chaos, the police only arrested three people.
However, the same Madison officials have warned churches that they can have no more than fifty people in attendance and they must employ social distancing. It’s not surprising though.
The Democrats who booed God twice during their Democratic National Convention in 2012. Remember, every dictator in history tried to remove guns and God from the people in order to control them.
CHURCH FINES? Several Madison, WI priests say health officials warned about a $1,000 fine if they had more than 50 people at Mass today. One posted this letter, saying they were lead to believe “government watchers” would be present:
— Jason Calvi (@JasonCalvi) May 31, 2020
The @nbc15_madison drone captured video of crowds of ‘Justice for George’ protesters marching from the Capitol Square to the Madison police station. #NBC15
— Gabriella Rusk NBC15 (@GabriellaRusk) May 30, 2020
Police in riot gear on State Street. Madison has now joined other cities where buildings have been damaged and looted. Fights are breaking out between protestors. Our @nbc15_madison team is #LIVE right now on Facebook. Watch here:
— Amelia Jones NBC15 (@AmeliaJonesTV) May 31, 2020
In Madison, the powers that be have decided that it is okay to prey but it is not cool if you want to pray.
Our Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves. They couldn’t probably imagine what this country has turned into. Instead of deporting Mexicans maybe we should start deporting liberals. The problem is I can’t imagine that there is a country willing to take them.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel politics and statehouse reporter Patrick Marley tweeted, “Police chief says they aren’t arresting people tonight.” Interim Madison Police Chief Vic Wahl said his officers stood back during the protests.
While Madison didn’t do much to prevent the barrage of looting in the city, officials want citizens to know that church services of more than 50 people will absolutely not be tolerated.
According to the City of Madison’s website, “Mass Gathering inside a commercial facility is permitted with fifty (50) individuals or less. Individuals must maintain physical distancing.”
Wisconsin priests were reportedly warned by health officials from Madison and Dane counties that if they opened their churches and had crowds of more than 50 people at their religious services, they face a fine of $1,000. The letter sent out to religious leaders allegedly threatened that there could be “government watchers” present at church services.