Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says that President Trump is seriously considering a second round of checks.
Mnuchin confirmed the possibility in an online conference with reporters. He says that advisers have brought the suggestion to the president and he is considering it.
No word on whether there will be $1,200 checks or whether they would be more or less.
The entire suggestion is just starting to look at the possibility seriously and no specifics have been suggested yet as far as we know.
Many Americans are hurting because their states have Democratic governors determined to keep their states on lockdown for political reasons and they will continue even if irt destroys their economy. After all, it’s a small price to pay to get a Democrat with dementia in the White House.
President says that he will not order the closure of sections of the economy should there be a second wave of (Disease That Must Not Be Named).
He says the economy will stay open and that the country would put out any fires that erupt from the disease.
Congress has negotiated over a potential phase four plan for weeks, but no decisions have been made about what the bill would contain.
Mnuchin went on to say it is “extremely unlikely” that the government would force sections of the U.S. economy to shut down once again due to coronavirus, according to WSJ.
Experts have warned for months that a second-wave outbreak in the fall may be even worse than what America has experienced already. White House Coronavirus Task Force members Dr. Deborah Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci have also said Americans can expect the virus to abate in the summer months as heat hampers the disease’s ability to spread.
“We’re not going to close the country,” Trump said in May. “We’re going to put out the fires. There could be, whether it’s an ember or a flame, we’re going to put it out, but we’re not closing our country.”