Opinion| Lawrence David| Like the proverbial little kid who “runs away from home” without a plan only to return when sounds of the night and hunger drive him to return, left-wing mayors and city councils are similarly throwing hissy fits, announcing plans to disband or to seriously defund their police departments without any plans as to what comes next.
Or, perhaps they are counting on the anarchy that will result to effect even more radical change.
Minneapolis has a large Somali (Muslim) population thanks to Manchurian President Barack Obama’s refugee program.
The city has a large enough Muslim population to have helped elect radical Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and fellow practicing Muslim, Keith Ellison, as the state’s attorney general… what do you think the odds are that they both advocate for Sharia patrols for at least a portion of Minneapolis, in place of a non-sectarian police force? Something has to ‘replace’ the police force, right? This possibility is something no one is discussing at this time.
One need to look no further than the Muslim communities throughout Europe, who refuse to assimilate to their host nation’s culture, yet Minneapolis’ leftist city council is pressing ahead…
Lisa Bender is a member of the Minneapolis city council in favor of disbanding the police department…
Reimagining Policing in the Wake of Continued Police Violence… With President Obama
It’s not just Muslim communities that would find it necessary to patrol their neighborhoods with “friendlies” sympathetic to their community’s particular demographic. How can this not feed the seeds of tribalism? Is this idea not inherently segregationist and thus, dare I say, ‘xenophobic?’
Can someone reasonably explain what happens when you “defund police”?
What happens when there is a school shooting?
What happens when women get raped?
What happens in a hostage situation?
What happens when gang leaders kill innocent people?
How would this make anyone safer?
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 7, 2020
This would inevitably fuel the politics of division… according to race, gender, age, religion, etc.,… a political strategy that the left uses so effectively, with the help of the mainstream media, to win elections.
How to explain virtually fifty plus years of uninterrupted Democratic Party control over the cities where the riots, looting, violence, arson, and rage are playing out, if not for the narrative engineers within the mainstream media?
Democrats in the 60s—Burned churches
Democrats now—Burning churchesDemocrats in the 60s—Wore hoods to hide their face
Democrats now—Wearing masks to hide their faceDemocrats in the 60s—Destroyed black businesses
Democrats now—Destroying black businessesNot much changed
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 5, 2020
Here’s a solid plan: defund the police, release criminals from jails, refuse to co-operate with federal law enforcement, open the borders, get rid of bail, set a limit at which theft is allowed with no arrests, and stir up as much chaos as possible. #Democrats
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) June 5, 2020
Older blacks will remember these racist screeds from the last two Democratic presidential candidates…
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) June 7, 2020
Seems that not much has changed about Democrats’ rhetoric since the days of slavery and the Klan…
Reader Tip: Coming Later
Our Daily Presidential Tracking poll today shows Black Likely Voter approval of the job @realDonaldTrump is now over 40%.
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) June 5, 2020
Unfortunately for the radical left, it looks like more and more minorities are breaking free from the Democratic plantation and embracing the ideals of Liberty.