CNN Chief of Propaganda, Oliver Darcy claimed that right wing news was spreading misinformation when they claimed anarchists in the CHAZ section of Seattle were armed and he belittled the reporting of The Gateway Pundit and Breitbart News, whom he claimed were spreading lies.
As it turns out, it was Darcy who was spreading lies, which comes as no surprise because that is what left-wing propagandists do. TGP reporter Cassandra Fairbanks responded by posting a video of CHAZ warlord Raz passing out AR15s from the trunk of his Tesla to random young protesters.
There’s literally video of them saying the John Brown Gun Club is running security there. I guess we shouldn’t believe our own dumb lying eyes and ears. 2+2=5.
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) June 11, 2020
This is too funny.
Video from #SeattleAutonomousZone
Protester shows perimeter view and stumbles on to a sign that reads “Cowards Hide Behind Their Guns” while announcer on speaker in background says, “The John Brown Gun Club is armed for your safety, they are on our side.”
— TransSpeciesDog (@TransSpeciesDog) June 11, 2020
On Thursday CNN political reporter Oliver Darcy, who defended the anarchist Seattle Autonomous Zone, published a hit piece on conservative publishers including The Gateway Pundit.
Oliver Darcy, whose primary purpose at the network is to silence conservative voices, published a hit piece on The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, and others. Darcy insisted there were no armed Antifa members in CHAZ — the antifa automous zone in Seattle.
If you’ve been getting your news from right-wing media, you probably think armed militant Antifa activists have seized a section of Seattle.
But the mayor’s office tells me, “City officials have not interacted with ‘armed antifa militants’ at this site.”
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) June 11, 2020
In his report Darcy says the local officials said there was “no interaction” with armed individuals at the CHAZ encampment.
TGP reporter Cassandra Fairbanks immediately responded to Darcy’s hit piece with video of armed antifa-anarchist terrorists in the Capitol Hill Free Zone (CHAZ).