The police chief of Richmond, Virginia broke down as he described BLM and Antifa setting fire to a multiple living dwelling with children inside. The rioters then intercepted the fire equipment blocks away and kept the firemen from getting to the house to save the children.
Richmond Police Chief William Smith broke down while speaking about the horrible burning deaths. This is attempted murder, and they should be charged to the highest degree. The chief said they intentionally set the building on fire and then attempted to stop the fire engines from responding.
Richmond Police Chief William Smith:
“One incident that is particularly poignant, that truly illustrates the seriousness of the issues we’re facing. Last night protesters intentionally set fire to an occupied building on [West] Broad Street. This is not the only occupied building that has been set fire to in the last two days. But they prohibited us from getting on the scene. We had to force our way to make a clear path for the fire department. The protesters intercepted the fire apparatus several blocks away with vehicles and blocked that fire department’s access to the structure fire. Inside that home was a child.”
Rioters tried to block a fire truck from reaching a burning building with a child inside in Richmond, Virginia, the police chief said Sunday according to NBC 12.
Protests and riots continued for the third night in Richmond, with several buildings lit aflame by rioters. One of those buildings was a multi-family residence with a child and family inside, according to NBC 12.
The police chief said that as fire crews approached the scene, protesters blocked the engine. The fire fighters were, fortunately, able to make it in time to the building to rescue the child and family.
Recounting the incident emotionally, needing to pause to compose himself, the officer said “Inside that home was a child. Officers were able to …”
“We were able to get the fire department there safely, I’m sorry,” he said before taking a sip of water.
“When you take a legitimate issue and hijack it for unknown reasons, that is unacceptable to me, it’s unacceptable to the Richmond Police Department, unacceptable to the city of Richmond,” Smith said.