For most Americans, the events of the past six weeks have been disturbing. The 24-hour news cycle and social media posts have presented the narrative that most of black America is protesting, some rioting, in the streets, in pursuit of social justice. Justice for “innocent” back men who were killed by white racist police officers, for housing discrimination, poor schools, and lack of job opportunities.
As understandable as these demands appear to be, a reasonable American of every ethnicity would agree that all Americans should be treated equally and the outcome must be based on our individual talents and effort. There are differences between how to interpret some of the data and opportunities for each demographic, but the way to improve as a nation can never be done through violence.
The reality is, the majority of those protesting, rioting, looting, destroying statues, attacking innocent Americans etc., are actually non-colored so-called, social justice warriors, who are using the deaths of George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks, to advance Open Societie’s Marxist agenda.
From Breitbart
Only about one-in-six protesters over the last month are black Americans, while the plurality is white, according to Pew Research Center analysis.
Though recent protests and riots have been centered around racial tensions with law enforcement, only 17 percent of protesters have been black, while 46 percent are white, 22 percent are Hispanic, and eight percent are Asian, the analysis shows.
The data reveals that black Americans are not the largest minority group represented in the protests.
The protesters are overwhelmingly Democrats as well. Almost four-in-five of the protesters said they are Democrats or Democrat-leaning voters. Less than 17 percent of the protesters said they are Republicans.
White woman yelling at black officers.
— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) June 23, 2020
With this information at our disposal, now would be a great time to separate the concerns of our fellow citizens. From those who need to be heard and see changes as warranted, from the immature, violent, and guilt-ridden white youth who are sheeple of anarchists, doing their bidding.
ANTIFA, white privileged shamed college students and those disconnected from the culture, looking to be part of something, have hijacked the cry for justice from the black community. In the process, it has heightened the fears, anger, and frustration of the community as a whole who can’t hear anything but anger, causing separation from the situations. In the confusion, this misguided mob has torn down statutes, forced companies to change their product names and packaging, and even empowered student-athletes to now dictate the actions of their schools and coaches.
The events from COVID-19, the actions of the deep state during President Trump’s term and the recent rioting leave me convinced that only a turning back to the one true God, repentance for our wrongdoings, retooling of our education and immigration systems, must take place before the full implementation of technology/robotics and AI (Artificial Intelligence). If not, I don’t believe America’s best days are in front of us.