The anarchists, Antifa and Black Lives Matter have called President Trump a fascist for protecting this country’s border. Now, they have set up what they are calling the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle, Washington.
Guess what the first thing they did was. They built a wall along their border and they appear to be making deportations from the six square blocks they now control thanks to the fecklessness of Mayor Jenny Durkan and Gov Jay Inslee.
Reporter Julio Rosas captured a moment recorded a moment when the anarchists “deported” someone who claimed to a pro-life activist, who said he had been in the compound all week.
The man was not given a lawyer or free medical care. He was just unceremoniously tossed out as they jeered him. I guess they are racists and fascists, huh?
Found the community garden that is being set up in a park nearby “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.” Occupiers have also set up tents in the park.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) June 11, 2020
I guess border walls must work, otherwise, the anarchists would not have built one and they don’t believe just anyone can join their “country” just because they want to.
Seattle, Washington’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) — formed by anarchists, Antifa members, and Black Lives Matter activists — has set up a border wall surrounding its perimeters and is seemingly conducting ‘deportations’.
Likewise, CHAZ occupants have seemingly conducted at least one deportation.
On Thursday, reporter Julio Rosas captured a moment where CHAZ occupants kicked out a man who said he was a pro-life activist and had been live-streaming from inside the autonomous zone.
As Breitbart News has noted, despite left-wing opposition to border walls and border controls, homes owned by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Andrew Cuomo, and Bill Gates are surrounded by fences, walls, and sometimes 20-foot high barriers.
Similarly, countries like Israel, Hungary, Bulgaria, Australia, and Slovenia have proven the effectiveness of implementing strict border controls and erecting border walls to drastically reduce illegal immigration.