Opinion| Mark Sidney| As Benjamin Franklin famously once said ‘when passion rules, she never rules wisely.”
This is the situation we find ourselves in yet again. However, this time it is not over taxation without representation or a greedy and deranged King, but rather a marxist media induced outrage mob.
Ever since the American people began to grow tired of, and began resisting the ‘Corona Virus Pandemic’ lockdowns, we have had a new crisis on our hands.
The murder of a black man by a crew of 4 cops of different races, lead by a white officer (who is the one who actually took Mr. Floyd’s life) has been the excuse given for (and hyped up by the media) the massive, Bolshevik style uprising and protests that have been taking place in well over 100 cities across the United states.
According to The Daily Mail, the ‘protests’ have cost business owners, cities, states and likely the federal government, hundreds of millions, if not billions or tens of billions in damage and manpower.
Hell, just Minneapolis alone is said to have suffered 55 million dollars in damage.
However, it is not just business owners and the ‘evil’ job creating store and real estate owning capitalists who are suffering here.
The haste and lack of reasoning of these, oh so wise and virtuous protesters, has begun costing their fellow comrades dearly as well.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘A far left protester was critically injured on Wednesday when a leftist mob toppled a Confederate statue on top of him.
The young Democrats attempted to destroy a Confederate Monument in Portsmouth, Virginia.
When they knocked over one of the statues it landed on a fellow protester critically injuring the man.
A witness said the protester’s skull was showing and he as convulsing on the ground.’
BREAKING: Protester critically injured after toppled Confederate statue landed on his head in Portsmouth, Virginia
“We could see that his skull was actually showing..”
Damn Confederates still beating black people, hundred years later #BLM #CancelAmerica pic.twitter.com/6oOnboBiOX
— Baruch Sandhaus (@BaruchSandhaus) June 11, 2020
From Hannity:
Please pray for as speedy recovery for the man in this video, and also that our nation will soon heal and we can go back to being the shiny city on this hill that Ronald Reagan once described.