Oklahoma is not Seattle and BLM found that out last night in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
BLM rolled into town thinking they would take over a city in the middle of Republican territory but soon found out that they were no match for the party of law and order.
BLM tried to block entrances to the BOK Center and unlike Seattle, Portland, and New York, the police were not ordered to stand down and they were bolstered by the National Guard.
BLM was pushed back from the entrances and forcibly removed from their usual routine. Maybe now they will realize that only works in cities with Democratic mayors.
After the rally, BLM tried to block Trump supporters as they were leaving the venue and once again protesters tried to harass and impede them from leaving.
Pepper balls and a heavy National Guard Presence put a quick end to that.
Tulsa ain’t no San Jose, California.
The National Guard is moving into downtown Tulsa #Tulsa #TrumpRallyTulsa #Trump #TrumpRally pic.twitter.com/WKi59pan00
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@bgutenschwager) June 20, 2020
Antifa ain’t burning Tulsa https://t.co/aczcADQyvJ
— Tom Lawrence (@TomLawr11194246) June 20, 2020
Trump Rally supporters welcome the National Guard to Tulsa ahead of Trump’s rally later on tonight.
BLM and Antifa you are officially put on notice. No one is going to take a knee.
pic.twitter.com/voGjTtq8Vt— Trina ❤️??????#KAG #BackTheBlue (@trinareyes) June 20, 2020
I would like to see more of this and less Trump rallies in California and other bastions of extreme liberalism. The president is never going to win California where the median IQ is somewhat smaller than their shoe size. How else can you explain them reelecting the same politicians who tax the crap out of them, while at the same time favoring illegal aliens over American citizens?