The Minneapolis City Council, lead by Council President Lisa Bender, on Friday unanimously voted a resolution to replace the police with a ‘community-led public safety system.’
Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender
This untested attempt to rely on local groups, who would replace the police, to protect the citizens from murder, rapes and other violence would include Islamic Sharia patrols, Black Panthers, La Raza, and other anti-Christian, anti-white social justice enforcers. This massive change would require the voters to approve the change, disbanding the police, for a public safety system in addition. In addition, law suites from police unions and other public interest groups are expected.
According to the Star Tribune, it faces a tall task to get it approved in time for the Nov. 3 elections, as the current deadline for adding items to the November ballot via the Minneapolis Charter Commission is July 7, and would require the Commission to hold a special meeting as they’re not due to convene again until July 8.
If the Charter Commission does convene earlier and approves the proposal, it could be put to voters during the 2020 elections.
This radical left city council feels empowered to “defund the police” following the death of George Floyd.
As with many other political decisions, their constituents were not consulted even though their plans go against the majority of the voters in their area. For example, according to polls, the majority of Americans do not support the “defund the police” movement.
Additionally, a new poll has found that black Americans overwhelmingly oppose rioters’ demands of defunding the police.
The US Congress has also taken up the passage of a bill too.
From Judicial Watch
Leftist Groups, Including La Raza, to Monitor Police Under Reform Bill Modeled after Obama Plan
“The police reform bill introduced by Democrats in Congress empowers leftist groups such as the open borders National Council of La Raza (NCLR) to monitor cops nationwide and creates development and training programs based on an Obama initiative to hire minority police officers by disregarding the criminal records of candidates from “underrepresented communities” and lowering standards on written exams. Known as the Task Force on 21st Century Policing, the Obama plan is repeatedly cited in the new bill’s 134-page text and promotional material and clearly serves as a key model.”
More than ever we can see the necessity of the “separation of powers” our founders put in place. These extreme changes to dismantle our police forces and increase the federal governments involvement in local policing should further motivate those who oppose them to turn out in large numbers to vote them out of office in November 2020.