Something just did not look right, a President Trump MAGA rally with empty seats. With the virus still in the news, it made sense that some of the older supporters might not have wanted to risk getting the virus and in addition, deal with the BLM mobsters outside the event stalking supporters.
There was a lawsuit brought, which ended up at the Oaklahoma Supreme court who ruled they could hold the rally unabated. There were an estimated 1 million ticket requests yet when the cameras were turned on, there were a lot of empty blue seats. The left went off mocking the President and fueling the idea that President Trumps is falling in support and Joe Biden is way ahead in the polls.
The Gateway Pundit just put all the pieces together. It was a hyper-progressive who was able to prevent a large amount of the crowd from entering, then went on Twitter to mock the President.
An article published several days ago written by an anonymous attendee made the claim that the management for the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma sabotaged attendance for the campaign rally by President Trump held there last Saturday resulting in thousands of empty seats in the BOK Center and the cancellation of plans for Trump and Vice President Pence to speak to an expected overflow crowd of thousands on a stage set up just outside the arena before speaking at the rally inside.
The fire marshal and arena management put attendance at just over 6,000 while the Trump campaign claimed 12,000 had cleared metal detectors.
The other allegations of sabotage made by the attendee are that BOK Center temperature screeners were pulled off the job hours early, thereby making it impossible for rally attendees to get the green wristbands needed to advance to the Secret Service metal detectors for entry into the arena and the overflow stage area for the Trump and Pence speeches, and that cleared attendees were only allowed inside the arena in groups of one hundred at a time.
What makes the allegation of an effort to drive down attendance plausible is the celebratory tweet the night of the rally by Jay Marciano, head of the management company for the BOK Center, AEG–part of ASM Global, on the low recorded attendance, “Lying Don’s show in Tulsa is a big fat STIFF! There are only 6624 people in the arena. So much for “There were requests for 1 million.” Total lies. Are we surprised??
Screen image via Showbiz411
For the week to ten days leading up to Trump’s rally, ads were found on Craigslist and other places asking for paid actors to fill the arena. When the show finally started, the TV Cameras turned their focus on the seas of empty blue seats in every direction. Fox News and Trump’s lackeys endeavored to show a rally that looked “full” but it was a joke. When Marciano chimed in, we knew the jig was up.
The Gateway Pundit articles walk you through it all.
To summarize, the
Jay Marciano, head of the management company for the BOK Center, AEG–part of ASM Global, tweeted on the low recorded attendance, “Lying Don’s show in Tulsa is a big fat STIFF! There are only 6624 people in the arena. So much for “There were requests for 1 million.” Total lies. Are we surprised? His group sent home the temperature checkers a few hours before the event, preventing the Trump supports from getting checked and receiving the bracelet needed to enter the building, which proved you were not sick from the virus.
When asked what happened, Doug Thornton, executive VP for ASM Global, who oversees nearly 100 arenas across five continents for the venue management company created by the 2019 merger of AEG and SMG replied that ASM was simply following the company’s new VenueShield program, developed with doctors, industry experts, and infectious disease specialists to prevent the spread of coronavirus at ASM’s 325 venues worldwide. The event was general admission-only meaning all seats were first-come, first-serve. The stickers, which were put on some of the seats, were a mandatory component of VenueShield, ASM continued stickering every other seat when something unexpected happened: “The campaign went through.
So they wanted to not hold the event, then when the courts and Governor said they had too, they used this new VenueShield program, to sabotage the attendance. Lying, immoral radicals doing their part to try to “stop” President Trump’s re-election. You can expect all the remaining rally’s to be full as I believe President Trump is as popular as ever.