In what could be considered a masterful stroke, President Trump has been able to acquire the vast majority of the world’s supply of the drug, Remdesivir for the treatment of DTMNBN (Disease That Must Not Be Named).
That leaves Europe with no supply of the drug which is manufactured by an American company, Gilead.
The 500,000 doses that the president has acquired amounts to almost the entire supply Gilead will manufacture in July, August and September.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar said:
“President Trump has struck an amazing deal to ensure Americans have access to the first authorized therapeutic for (DTMNBN). To the extent possible, we want to ensure that any American patient who needs Remdesivir can get it.”
“FDA’s emergency authorization of remdesivir, two days after the National Institutes of Health’s clinical trial showed promising results, is a significant step forward in battling (DTMNBN) and another example of the Trump Administration moving as quickly as possible to use science to save lives.”
Dr. Andrew Hill, senior visiting research fellow at Liverpool University said:
“They’ve got access to most of the drug supply [of remdesivir], so there’s nothing for Europe. This is the first major approved drug, and where is the mechanism for access?”
The announcement of the deal comes as coronavirus cases continue to spike nationwide, according to The New York Times. California, Arizona and Texas are among states that are experiencing new highs in daily cases.
The U.S. is “going in the wrong direction” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said at a Senate hearing Tuesday, according to The Washington Post. Fauci said he wouldn’t be surprised if the U.S. soon began seeing 100,000 new cases per day.