The Sunday morning talk shows were ablaze with announcements from Betsy DeVos, the United States Secretary of Education, who destroyed the plans of Democrats to keep schools under their oppressive pandemic regulations, even refusing to open in some Democrat States in time for the traditional beginning of the School year.
“American investment in education is a promise to students and their families. If schools aren’t going to reopen and not fulfill that promise, they shouldn’t get the funds,” DeVos said.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos calls on schools to reopen despite CDC guidelines that say children meeting in groups can put everyone at risk: "There is going to be the exception to the rule. But the rule should be that kids go back to school this fall" #CNNSOTU
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) July 12, 2020
DeVos told CNN that the Center for Disease Control, (CDC) was giving the administration guidance about opening schools.
” There are really good examples that have been utilized in the private sector,” DeVos said about their plans for opening in the face of health concerns.
The Democrats are insistent that Schools and youth are in danger, and should take a much slower approach to open up public schools, and in fact, in many places not opening at all.
“They are messing with the health of our children”, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA said, angrily spitting through a rebuttal to DeVos’s announcement:
Speaker Pelosi slams Betsy DeVos.🔥
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) July 12, 2020
Sunday’s appearances come on the heels of President Donald J. Trump’s announcements last week that he had directed the Department of Treasury to investigate the Non-Profit Tax exemption status of Schools.
DeVos’ appearance on CNN was trending on Twitter as it happened, with the hashtag activism #CNNSOTU. Flocks of Democrat activists and reporters were posting inflammatory comments about DeVos personally, about fear of the health crisis, childish taunts and about President Donald J. Trump and his entire administration.
Typical Democrat “Blue Brigade” Tweets, meant to push the messaging to their large followings and create a sense of National consensus were:
So I have always hated Betsy DeVos but after today’s embarassing and infuriating interview she gave, I really really fucking hate her.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) July 12, 2020
In the maelstrom of blatant corruption and murderous incompetence of the Trump Administration, it's going to be hard to spread the blame and condemnation appropriately.
But Betsy DeVos deserves so much scorn for the damage she's caused as Secretary of Education.
— Jared Yates Sexton (@JYSexton) July 12, 2020
Dana Bash is my hero this morning. She's not letting Betsy DeVos get away with deflecting and using apples to oranges examples when asked if kids would be safe going back to school in the Fall. Bravo! #CNNSOTU
— Steph On The Left Ω (@floradoragirl) July 12, 2020
In the end, Devos’ intervention was on behalf of the millions of school-age children in the United States, who this year really want to go back to school, after being home since March.
“Kids need to be in school. They need to be learning. They need to be moving ahead…we cannot be paralyzed and not be intent on that happening,” DeVos said.