NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio told Wolf Blitzer that he is banning all large gatherings but he will allow BLM rallies that often turn into riots.
This seems to be the general consensus of the Democratic party that the more rallies and riots the better.
If Democrats are true tom form they will dump BLM after the election.
But for now, the riots hurt President Trump they believe.
Personally, I think it turns voters away from the Democrats.
The average Joe is tired of the riots and the destruction of property and the assault on innocent bystanders.
The mayor is banning large gatherings that include parades, fairs, and concerts. But he says the BLM activities are vital and must continue.
So, what he is saying that a hundred people in church increase the danger of spreading DTMNBN (Disease That Must Not Be Named) but hundreds of BLM protesters do not.
.@NYCMayor Bill de Blasio tells Wolf Blitzer that he is banning all large gatherings in New York City except for Black Lives Matter protests.
Wolf Blitzer follows up by asking about the U.S. Open.
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 9, 2020
Basically what de Blasio is saying is that only the Marxist BLM has the right to free speech and the right to assemble that the constitution guarantees to every United States citizen. Basically de Blasio has canceled summer in NYC.
This is a slippery slope when politicians are allowed to allow some people to be able to take advantage of their constitutional rights while denying it to others. Bill Barr should investigate and then slap down the mayor on constitutional grounds.
Once mayors or even governors are allowed to decide whose constitutional rights are to be observed and whose aren’t we are well on our way to a despotic regime.