Freedom, what all people on earth desire. Though an unalienable Right in our Declaration of Independence, our local, state, and federal governments have progressively over time chipped away at our religious liberties protected in the Bill Of Rights.
Our nation’s founders, who just broke away from a Tyrannical King, wrote our nation’s Constitution, to limit the size and power of government. To accomplish this, they assigned negative liberties through both it and the Bill Of Rights.
Negative liberty is freedom from interference by other people. Negative liberty is primarily concerned with freedom from external restraint and contrasts with positive liberty (the possession of the power and resources to fulfill one’s own potential).
For example – The First Amendment to the Constitution.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
What must concern every American is the fact our freedoms (rights) are eroding, and the rate is increasing with each generation.
The Commonwealth of Virginia, with a huge increase in the number of DC political progressive residents, has become a radicalized “Social Justice Warrior” state. Attacking the police, promoting abortion, and post-birth killings are now going after religious liberties. The first amendment is in place, but lawmakers simply ignore its plain language.
From PJ Media
A Christian wedding photographer and blogger in Virginia filed suit against Attorney General Mark Herring (D), seeking to prevent the enforcement of a new non-discrimination law that its Democrat supporters admitted was intended to be “punitive” against those who decline to celebrate same-sex weddings. The law presents the photographer with an impossible choice: violate his conscience, close down his business, or face a $50,000 fine for the first offense and $100,000 fines for each later offense.
“It isn’t the state’s job to tell me what I must capture on film or publish on my website,” Chris Herring said in a statement on the lawsuit. “My religious beliefs influence every aspect of my life, including the stories I tell through my photography. If you’re looking for someone to photograph a red-light district or promote drug tourism, I’m not your guy. Now Virginia is trying to intimidate creative professionals like me to change some of my other religious beliefs.”
“No matter one’s views on marriage, we all lose when bureaucrats can force citizens to participate in religious ceremonies they oppose, speak messages they disagree with, and stay silent about beliefs they hold dear,” Scruggs added.
Interestingly, Mark Herring argued that non-discrimination laws like the Virginia Values Act would allow a cakeshop to decline to create custom cakes with “offensive messages about LGBTQ people” based on its non-religious objections but as prohibiting a cakeshop from declining to create a custom wedding cake celebrating a same-sex wedding based on its religious objections.
No American should support our government, at any level, forcing everyday Americans to work. To take a specific job especially if they morally object to it. The obvious exceptions are for those on government assistance, required to look for work and those who are working out judicial judgment for crimes committed.
In this case, Virginia law would mandate a Christian to partake in homosexual, etc. ceremonies, or lose their business. If empowered with this ability to dictate the actions of “free “people”, the Constitution would have died, and We The People would no longer be free. Partial unalienable rights are not freedom at all. The Supreme Court must take a stand on this Marxist attempts to force tyranny, Germany’s courts did not stop Hitler, the rest is history.