Opinion| Any honest pundit, politician, citizen journalist, or person with a TV or the internet, will tell you that there is something wrong with Joe Biden. We may disagree with what we think it is exactly that is wrong with Joe. However, I think we can all agree he has some serious issues.
Some will say Biden is an ‘old white male’ and part of the ‘white supremacist’ power structure and standing in the way of progress. This set of people may also point to Biden’s infamous ‘Biden Crime Bill’ which some have pointed to as the reason our federal prisons are so full of minorities.
Others will state the obvious, Joe is a compulsive liar. Everything that comes out of his mouth seems to be either untrue, or plagiarized from someone else. This is not a recent phenomenon either, Biden has been called out for this by the MSM … back in the day, where they still had a shred of journalists integrity:
A few moments later … Biden caught in Law School plagiarism cheating scandal, which also exposed the lie that Biden graduated in the top 1/2 of his class:
Others of us point out the more obvious. We do not think that Biden is all there, mentally.
I had a Grandmother who had dementia. I hate to say it, but the behavior that she exhibited was very similar to what I see in Joe Biden. Obviously Joe is not at the end of his cognitive decline, keep in mind I am not a doctor, but based off my experience with my Grandmother, I think Joe has been degrading for a number of years now.
All one has to do it look at that clip above of Biden lying through his teeth, while bragging about things he never accomplished in Law School, and then compare it to him speaking now to realize that he is not functioning at the same level:
Now that we have established a few of the reasons why, if I were on team Biden, the last thing on God’s green earth I would want would be to put Biden on stage with Donald Trump for a 60 or 90 minute debate. It would be like feeding a mouse to a lion.
In fact, some of the people on ‘team Biden,’ you may know them as ‘the media’ have begun to place it in the public consciousness that Biden may not be doing debates this year. Obviously if this does end up being the case, the public can not know this was Biden’s people’s idea, it would show them just how weak Biden’s own team knows him to be.
Enter, Brian Stelter. Since I have nothing nice to say about Brian, I’ll leave it to you to draw you own conclusions about the self appointed hall monitor of the internet and social media.
Brian’s job is to lie. It’s what he does. He creates false narratives. The most recent of which, Fox News explains, is that it is people like us, the ‘right wing media’ who do not want Biden to debate Trump, when this is demonstrably false. If it were up to me, Biden and Trump should be locked in a room together for the next 90 days until the election, with a livestream the entire time available online.
Trump would eat Biden’s DHA and Omega 3s,6s and 9s. Fox News explains:
‘ CNN media pundit Brian Stelter raised eyebrows On Monday night after he said that “mostly right-wing media” is behind the growing push for Joe Biden not to debate President Trump — despite high-profile calls from The New York Times and even CNN personalities for the former vice president to skip the events.
Earlier in the day, the Times sparked mockery across social media for an op-ed arguing that presidential debates should be “scrapped,” with critics suggesting that it’s the latest effort by the media to prevent Biden from debating Trump. Donald Trump Jr. even chimed in, tweeting, “OMG they’re really going for it. There’s absolutely nothing the left will not do to protect Joe Biden and cover-up for all of his obvious flaws,” to accompany a link to the op-ed.
Townhall.com political editor and Fox News contributor Guy Benson quipped about the puzzling media trend, writing, “This ‘Biden shouldn’t debate’ boomlet is just a media tempest, right? Right?”
Stelter, once dubbed the media’s “hall monitor,” appeared to reject the premise of Benson’s comment.
“It is mostly a right-wing media tempest, fueled by hour after hour of Fox commentary (not reporting), far removed from campaign reality …,” the CNN pundit told Benson.’
It is mostly a right-wing media tempest, fueled by hour after hour of Fox commentary (not reporting), far removed from campaign reality… https://t.co/nQd4b312vX
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) August 4, 2020
Benson, who must have been licking his chops, served up a screenshot of the proof that Stelter was gaslighting the world, yet again.
‘It seems as though this notion wasn’t invented out of whole cloth by conservatives. It’s an idea that has been floated by left-leaning figures/outlets …,” Benson tweeted.
Via @ReaganBattalion, it seems as though this notion wasn’t invented out of whole cloth by conservatives. It’s an idea that has been floated by left-leaning figures/outlets… pic.twitter.com/Ce4s8cnPhh
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 4, 2020
Knowing he was busted, Brian decided to try another angle: “I’m well aware. but it’s a mistake to spend lots of precious time yakking about what leftie columnists are suggesting in this case. obviously biden will debate. why imply otherwise to viewers, hour after hour?”
Benson remained civil, however others on Twitter were not so gentile with Stelter as he rested on the ropes, bleeding and barely conscious”
“This is a brazen lie that’s easily traceable. Brian Stelter’s head doesn’t not exist in reality,” Stephen Miller responded.
This is a brazen lie that’s easily traceable. Brian Stelter’s head doesn’t not exist in reality pic.twitter.com/V1Fenv8fsS
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) August 4, 2020
“When I think about my most Reliable Sources as a reporter, I definitely think about the sources who are shameless partisans who are utterly unwilling to admit when they’re wrong and are brazen & embarrassing as they double down when proven to be laughably & demonstrably off base,” Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner tweeted.
When I think about my most Reliable Sources as a reporter, I definitely think about the sources who are shameless partisans who are utterly unwilling to admit when they're wrong and are brazen & embarrassing as they double down when proven to be laughably & demonstrably off base. https://t.co/DOOkVVJzVw
— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) August 4, 2020
David Martosko piled on: ‘Featured in The New York Times, Newsweek and… your network, CNN. We can all spot the messaging coordination. There’s nothing unusual about this, but denying it just makes you look complicit.’
Logan Hall echoed the same sentiments I expressed above: ‘stelter doesn’t want his preferred candidate to debate trump, for obvious reasons.’
stelter doesn’t want his preferred candidate to debate trump, for obvious reasons. https://t.co/jzn5K4SKQv
— Logan Hall (@loganclarkhall) August 4, 2020
Other users picked the low hanging fruit and smashed Brian with it. It’s nice to see that some people are paying attention to what is really going on and not falling for the media BS anymore.
no one has less self awareness than brian stelter. https://t.co/oWIOnaxYKX
— Mainstream Conservatism (@msconservatism) August 4, 2020
Yeah, NYT columns are a "right-wing media tempest" 🙃 https://t.co/u0Wb2WpPFa
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) August 4, 2020
You misspelled CNN Brian
— Zachary Hubbard 🥋 (@_ZacharyHubbard) August 4, 2020
I think it is safe to say that Brian got his ass handed to him. Despite the demonstrably misleading, at the very least, claim, CNN’s media ‘newsletter’ ran with Steltzer’s gaslight and blamed those evil right wingers for the idea. Laughable man, HA! to quote ‘The Jesus’ from The Big Lebowski.
In fairness to Stelter and Darcy, unclear if they're intentionally lying here. Could simply be that like everyone else they never tune into CNN. pic.twitter.com/HsqqGIadEg
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) August 4, 2020
Fox concluded by quoting Biden’s deputy manager and communications director Kate Bedingfield: ‘“America’s Newsroom” on Monday that her candidate is “very much looking forward to debating Donald Trump.”‘
However, some of us still question whether Biden will be the nominee at all. That’s cray cray you may say, and I know it sounds out there, but I can not get the words of the DNC communication director out of my head:
I do not know where this path leads, but I do know one thing. It’s not over, not by a long shot …