Anyone who drove through the United States in 2020 knows that there was ENORMOUS support for President Trump’s reelection leading up to the 2020 election.
No one can deny the fact that Trump had HUGE rallies and the economy was going full steam … prior to the appearance of the mysterious virus.
The other side of this coin is that I saw almost 0 support for Biden … anywhere in Florida. Maybe I saw 3 or 4 Biden signs after driving thousands of miles across the state of Florida.
One needs to look no further than Biden’s own appearances and the lack of people showing up to see him speak to gauge the amount of support he had.
All of that aside, now that Biden is President, the hard working (or formerly har working) American people are leaning that jobs are not so important to Mr. Biden, they are not his priority, and it has some people FURIOUS:
“It just doesn’t f*ckin make any sense.
It doesn’t make any sense. HOW! Did Donald Trump… I know how – They took it!
They didn’t steal the election. When you steal something that’s when no one knows that you took it.
But they outright boldly went in and said, “We’re gonna f*cking take this presidency from you.
Screw the American people. Screw you, Donald Trump. Screw everybody!
America last! Oh, and by the way, you guys are going to lose your job!” “
This was an amazing video!
I think I should put this on a loop for @JoeBiden. Sad!
— Grant Stinchfield (@stinchfield1776) January 28, 2021
Talk about a powerful video. I fear America will not be able to withstand 4 years of this destructive government policy. The economy has already been consolidated even further into the hands of a few globalist elite corporations thanks to Covid.
The last thing we need is more constraints put on the American economy. It’s almost as if they are TRYING to crash our economy … now, ask yourself WHY they might want to do that …