Say what you will about President Trump, he was a force lobbying for peace during his time in office. As his son tweeted:
Donald Trump is the first president in modern history did not start a new war.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 22, 2021
What Biden just did is going to exacerbate a terrible satiation in the Middle East and cost tax payers TRILLIONS in dollars and COUNTLESS AMERICAN LIVES. This is Biden’s first ‘new war’ and it’s only shit first week FFS!
In stark contrast with President Trump, within hours of his swearing-in ceremony, Joe Biden invaded Syria with a convoy of US troops and choppers carrying 200 more soldiers.
Tyler Zed tweeted:
‘Loading up troops in Iraq and now Syria! Swamp not wasting any time!’
The link that Tyler embedded is no longer active, however the news has been widely reported. For instance, Biz Pac Review cover the rumors:
BizPac Review reported:
-A large convoy of U.S. military personnel headed into Syria on Thursday along with hundreds of troops some 24 hours after President Joe Biden took office and took on his commander-in-chief role, foreign media reported.
Citing Syrian state news agency SANA, i24 News reported that a convoy of about 40 trucks and armored vehicles “entered northeastern Syria” on Thursday supported by helicopters.
A large convoy of U.S. military personnel headed into Syria on Thursday along with hundreds of troops some 24 hours after President Joe Biden took office and took on his commander-in-chief role, foreign media reported.
Citing Syrian state news agency SANA, i24 News reported that a convoy of about 40 trucks and armored vehicles “entered northeastern Syria” on Thursday supported by helicopters.
And while “other local media” noted that such resupply convoys are not uncommon, SANA’s report added that an additional 200 U.S. troops were choppered into the Hasakeh province as well.
The report claimed that the additional troops will deploy to protect nearby oilfields on land that buttresses Kurdish-controlled territory in eastern Syria that is also said to be rich in energy resources.’
Being a sovereign nation, the Syrian government has called for all US forces to leave the country, at once:
MSN reported:
“The new U.S. administration must stop acts of aggression and occupation, plundering the wealth of my country, withdraw its occupying forces from it, and stop supporting separatist militias, illegal entities, and attempts to threaten Syria’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity,” Jaafari said.
Syria’s unrest began amid mass protests across the Arab World that erupted a decade ago, devolving into conflict between security forces and rebels. Biden, then serving as vice president under President Barack Obama, backed calls for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down at the time, as the U.S. and regional partners offered support for the opposition, accusing the Syrian leader of human rights abuses.’
You can assume the the ‘Anti-War Left’, which goes into hiding ever 4-8 years, will be silent on these development.
You can also be sure that President Trump will get no credit for having reduced our military presence in the Middle East and for his failure to start an new wars.
Meet the New Democrat Boss, same as the old Democrat & Neocon boss … the war machine rolls on …