The groundwork is being laid to crush the 1st Amendment.
These are truly scary times and although it may seem overwhelming, it is important to take a step back and make sure we do not let our anger get the best of us.
Always, NO MATTER WHAT, remain peaceful and just try to inform as many people as you can about what you see happening in this country.
Just don’t look now because the feds seem to be labeling all dissent terrorism … don’t say we didn’t warn you.
The Gateway Pundit reports:
“’There is currently a heightened threat environment across the United States that is likely to persist over the coming weeks,” the DHS bulletin said before admitting they “do not have any information to indicate a specific, credible plot.”
The DHS took a veiled shot at Trump supporters and conservative media outlets even though the only violence since Biden’s inauguration has been by far-left Antifa and BLM in Seattle, Tacoma and Portland.’
“We remain concerned that individuals frustrated with the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances and ideological causes fueled by false narratives could continue to mobilize a broad range of ideologically-motivated actors to incite or commit violence.”
BREAKING: DHS issues a National Terrorism Advisory to last for several weeks
— Christian Datoc (@TocRadio) January 27, 2021
The Biden Administration has crossed the preverbal Rubicon and has occupied DC with troops, started arresting Trump supporters for the same things that the left has been doing in Portland, Seattle and leftist cities for years now (we do not condone ANY illegal behavior, no matter who does it), however somehow WE are the terror threat?
What’s that saying again? Oh yeah, ‘the guilty flea when none pursue’. We are not violent but we have ever right to call out injustices when we see them in our country.
You can see exactly where this is going … soon they will outlaw all publishing outfits like ours who do not have a Biden Administration approved gate keeper.
Their own Orwellian message show just how silly, based on a false pretext, and open to false flag manipulation.
‘“We remain concerned that individuals frustrated with the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances and ideological causes fueled by false narratives could continue to mobilize a broad range of ideologically-motivated actors to incite or commit violence.”’
We don’t know of any threats, but … if there just so happens to be one, it will be the fault of anyone who airs legitimate grievances publicly … oh, and yea, there are no legit grievances, go back to bed everything is fine.
Where is the terror alert for all the **** that the left did to federal property for the last few years?
This is tyranny, pure and simple.