Do you remember the ‘brilliant’ Congressman who once asked a military officer testifying before his committee if putting too many US soldiers on the island of Guam would cause the island to … FLIP OVER? No, I’m not joking.
Hank Johnson really asked the question, in all seriousness and with genuine concern:
Now, what is more worrisome, the fact a Congressman asked such a question, or that he’s been reelected over and over and over again …
Frank Salavato| National File| LISTEN: Georgia Legislator Says Democrats Will Treat Trump, Supporters As ‘Negroes’
Black Democrat US Rep. from Georgia abandons Biden call for unity saying Trump supporters should be ‘perp-walked’ and treated like ‘negroes’
A US Congressman from Georgia has gone on record as believing President Trump and his supporters should be as “negroes” have in the US justice system.
US Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) viciously rebuked President-Elect Joe Biden’s call for unity on a popular SiriusXM satellite radio program by declaring President Trump, his supporters, and those who originally sought to challenge illegitimate Electoral College elector slates should be “perp-walked to jail” like “negroes.”
In proposing that it would be better for the Democrat Party and the incoming Biden administration to simply say, “‘Trump did some bad things, but look forward,’” SiriusXM host Dean Obeidallah rightly said executing political retribution would be “detrimental to our party.”
But Johnson, embracing the totalitarian and despotic practice of persecuting political rivals was going to have nothing to do with unity.
“You can’t let this behavior slide,” Johnson responded. “You can’t ignore it and hope that it’s not going to happen again. You see what’s shaping up for the future with guys like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz who are looking to turn the Trump Republican Party into the Trump Republican Party on steroids.”
The Georgia Democrat, in exposing his willingness to embrace political persecution of his rivals continued saying Republican lawmakers will be quick to learn they “will not be allowed to get away with what Donald Trump did.”
“We have got to make sure that those who come after Donald Trump know that they will not be allowed to get away with what Donald Trump did, that they will be held accountable,” Johnson insisted. “They will be treated, yes, like ‘negroes’ – they will be perp-walked to the jail, handcuffed not in front of them, but behind them. They will be booked, fingerprinted, have to make bond, and have to hire a lawyer just like everyone else and go through the system.”
Johnson continued his rant by advancing the false narrative of systemic racism in the US justice system contending that it “feasts on black folks.”
“[F]or once it needs to turn its attention to what [Donald Trump] has done to turn our country into something that we just don’t need to let it get to,” he spewed. “He can’t be allowed to get away with it because if we allow him to get away with it, there will be others who will try to do the same thing, and we don’t even want them to think about doing what Trump has done.”
In 2016, Johnson said Jewish settlers in Israel were “like termites.” In 2010, he ignorantly expressed a fear that the island of Guam might capsize if it were overpopulated.