I have heard a lot of talk about who could replace Trump on the Republican ticket should Donald Trump decide not to run in 2024.
The pickings are thin but there is one person who might be able to, win the nomination and the presidency and no one can deny he isn’t a fighter. His name is Ron DeSantis and he is the extremely effective governor of Florida.
DeSantis would be a lock in the swing state of Florida and that will allow him to concentrate much less time in Florida and much more in the other swing states.
If we start with the pandemic, we can see how he fought to keep his state open and even went so far as to prevent liberal mayors from imposing Draconian regulations to close down their cities.
As a result, the pandemic was less severe in Florida and the state was able to weather the storm without the crippling debt that Mario Cuomo’s little boy and governors Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsome inflicted upon their states.
Now, in what is the biggest issue facing this country in my opinion, Big Tech censorship, DeSantis is taking the lead. Florida has strict discrimination laws and Gov DeSantis plans on using those laws against the Masters of the Universe. While it is obvious that nationally nothing will happen for at least four years unless Parler wins its lawsuit. states have the ability to act.
What if states were to ban Big Tech from operating in their states should they discriminate against conservative speech?
Florida is the third-largest state and I would believe that would cut into their profits. And the second-largest state is Texas. They could easily follow the lead of Florida. That would have to cut into their profits not to mention all of the lost revenue for advertising for companies within those states.
Speaking at an event for the Texas Public Policy Foundation in Austin, Texas, in the wake of the social media app Parler being completely shut down by Big Tech, DeSantis said:
“We need to really think deeply about if we are a disfavored class based on our principles, based on having conservative views, based on being a Christian, based on whatever you can say that is not favored in Silicon Valley,” DeSantis said during a speech before a crowd of conservatives in Austin, Tx. Later, he added: “I think it’s probably the most important legislative issue that we’re going to have to get right this year and next year.”
This is exactly correct. The pretext for taking down Parler was events on January 6th at the Capitol were organized on that platform. Later reports clearly demonstrated they were also organized on Facebook and Twitter, but Parler has not been restored, increasing the speculation that the move was anti-competitive and political.
Beyond the current drive for censorship online, some commentators suggest eliminating Fox News, OANN, and Newsmax from cable providers. Others favor pulling podcasts and YouTube channels using the riot at the Capitol as a pretext to color everything to the right of CNN as far-right and capable of inciting violence.