This piece was popular when it broke so we decided to share it again.
Opinion| There are certain times where we can read between the lines, and this is one of those cases. President Donald Trump was not mentioned by name, however, it was painfully obvious that former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama were referring to him and the direct impact they believed his actions were having on our country.
George W. Bush had his time in the White House from 2001 to 2009. The former president stated “Our politics seem more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrications.”
Barack Obama, who was in office from 2009 to 2017 when President Trump took over, maintained that politics seem “so angry and nasty.” He stated, “Instead of our politics reflecting our values, we have politics infecting our communities.”
It’s obvious to anyone and everyone who work in politics that for the last sixty years it has been an unspoken agreement that former presidents do not bad mouth those who take their place in the White House. Both of these former presidents were representing opposing parties and are 15 years apart in age, however the fact that they both came forward to make these statements on the same day, during a time in which a man they both do not like is in office, is oddly coincidental.
According to Subjectpolitics:
Hilton stated, “Here’s my message to Bush and Obama. When you’re ready to apologize for the economic and social destruction that your elitist policies caused for working Americans, we might take seriously your self-righteous and sanctimonious musings about the state of our politics.”
Hilton had a lot more to say, so you might as well just watch the video so you can see him wreck the former presidents for yourself.
Bush and Obama had ought to keep their mouths shut unless they want us bringing up every little thing they did to drive our country into an economic collapse.