Of all the people in Congress who I least trust with my money, power over my children or even to EVER do the right thing, it is Maxine Waters.
This woman CLEARLY thinks she is above the law.
The saddest part is that it appears that she actually is!
The Gateway Pundit reports: Who says crime doesn’t pay?
Mad Maxine Waters is in the news again. This time it’s not what she said but what she did. The loud mouth representative is in the news for dishing out additional money to her daughter from campaign donations.
The Washington Free Beacon reports:
Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) has now dished out more than $1 million in campaign payments to her daughter following the 2020 elections.
Karen Waters has pocketed $1.13 million for providing an array of services for her mother’s campaign since 2003. The majority of the cash is for her role in running a controversial slate-mailer operation, in which California politicians gave money to Waters’s campaign in exchange for mailers bearing her endorsement.
The mailers have become increasingly lucrative for the younger Waters over the years. During the 2020 cycle, her payments hit a high of $240,000. That’s significantly more than the $90,000 her firm, Progressive Connections, took in during the 2006 election cycle. The Federal Election Commission gave Waters the green light for the mailer operation in 2004.
While slate mailers are commonplace in states like California and Oregon, the practice is extremely rare at the federal level. In fact, Waters appears to be the only federal politician to use a slate-mailer operation. As such, the arrangement between her and her daughter has led to complaints from watchdog groups asking the FEC to audit the campaign.
Waters is not only corrupt in what she does, she also is known for having a very loud mouth. Democrats hate it when what Waters says is compared to what they try to pin on Republicans: