Come one guys, who does not want an 80 year old megalomaniacal, alcohol loving, filthy rich, hardly able to speak tyrant ruling over the House of Representatives with an iron fist?
Who does not want a Speaker of the House who is so delusional that she tells us that we need to pass the bill to see what is in it?
I could go on, but the answer is simple … a sane person. Any sane person (and apparently even some whose sanity is still in question) knows that it is well past time for Pelosi to ‘get to steppin”, as the kids say.
Now, it looks like reality is finally catching up with one of the most loathed people in the swamp, Speaker P.
Newsmax reported:
A group of House Republicans and 10 Democrats who voted against Rep. Nancy Pelosi for speaker of the House in 2019 are engaged in behind-the-scenes discussions to deny the San Francisco liberal from another term as head of the lower chamber of Congress, The Epoch Times reported, citing an unidentified source.
The newspaper quoted a ”veteran senior congressional aide who advises multiple members of Congress,” who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
”A serious effort is underway to prevent Pelosi from becoming speaker, backed by the GOP and Democrats who are disturbed by their party’s embrace of extreme rhetoric and policies like ‘defund the police,”’ The Epoch Times quoted the aide as saying.
”The odds of success are less than 50-50, but it’s one of the more intriguing leadership challenges to emerge in recent decades.”
The aide did not identify anyone by name in the discussions, for concern over it collapsing the negotiations, and no one from neither Pelosi’s office nor House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy reportedly responded to calls for comment, the Times said.
The 10 Democrats who voted against Pelosi two years ago were Reps. Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey, Kurt Schrader of Oregon, Kathleen Rice of New York, Conor Lamb of Pennsylvania, Ron Kind of Wisconsin, Jared Golden of Maine, Jason Crow of Colorado, and Jim Cooper of Tennessee.
Republicans will have 211 members in the House of Representatives that will be sworn in on Jan. 3, up from the 195 at the end of the current Congress. There also is one race unresolved and one seat vacant following the death of Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, R-La., from COVID-19 on Tuesday.
With Democrats controlling 222 seats, Pelosi would need 217 of the 433 member votes to retain the speakership. However, the Times pointed out, nearly two dozen House Democrats have remained out of Washington for the past six months due to the fear of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 and have been voting by proxy.’
I am not trying to give the Democrats any help, but if they plan on winning any elections in the future (assuming the votes are actually counted properly and they are not rigged like this last one appears to have been) they need to retire Nancy.
This is not only what is best for the Democrat Party, most importantly, this is what is best for America.
Save face Nancy, step aside, maintain your clearance and sell the country out from somewhere other than the Speaker’s seat. I would say repent for all you have done, but let’s be realistic, she clearly lives to lord over us as if we were her little slaves.