This is just more proof of the theory that … if you trust Mitch McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate to defend the interests of you and me … you’re going to have a bad time.
This marks the first time that the Republican controlled Senate, under the ‘leadership’ of Cocaine Mitch, voted to override President Trump’s veto.
For those of us watching with baited breath to see how things go come time to vote for the $2,000 checks to individuals and the repeal (or better yet, clarification/reform) of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, this is not a great sign.
We also learned today that McConnell was looking to question Senator Hawley on why he had the balls to object to the Senate approving the election outcome.
Here is what we know about the vote … more accurately, here is what Murdoch’s Fox News is telling us about the override:
Fox News reported:
‘The Senate voted Friday to override President Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act in a bipartisan rebuke weeks before he exits the White House.
Several top Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., voted in favor of the override, which passed 81-13. The vote marked the first time in Trump’s presidency that one of his vetoes was overturned.
Notable senators who voted against the override included Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Tom Cotton, R-Ark., Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.
President Trump vetoed the $740 billion military spending bill on Dec. 23, despite its passage with overwhelming support in both the House and Senate. The president warned that he would not approve the bill unless it contained language to repeal Section 230, a measure that protects social media firms from being liable for third-party posts on their platforms.
Trump and his top GOP allies have accused tech firms, especially Facebook and Twitter, of censoring conservative viewpoints and demonstrating a bias in favor of President-elect Biden. The president also took issue with a provision in the NDAA that called for the renaming of military bases bearing the names of Confederate figures.
The Senate approved the override days after the House overwhelmingly voted to overturn Trump’s veto. McConnell broke with Trump on the issue, declaring his support for passage of the NDAA and touting the bill as vital to U.S. security interests.
In his defense of the bill, McConnell noted that it included 3% pay raises for members of the military.’
Of course the military needs to be funded, however, if we keep letting the NDAA be stuffed with pork like a … (insert your own analogy here) the nation is going to end up bankrupt … quicker than we thought previously.
I pray that Trump and the few people in DC who are loyal to the integrity of the vote and the rule of law are able to prevail in the next few weeks, for if not our country may be at a tipping point. Regardless of who is sitting in the big chair for the next 4 years, if half the nation does not trust the results of our elections, we are in deep, deep trouble as a country.