AOC Flips Her S**t After Poll Shows More & More People Don’t Like Her
Opinion | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has made a big splash in Congress after being there for only mere months, and it isn’t a positive thing.
AOC hasn’t even finished her first year as a Congresswoman and we are already seeing a huge spike in her unfavorable rating.
The new poll shows a growing number of people have an unfavorable view of the Democratic Socialist Freshman.
The outspoken New York Democrat quickly rose to fame with her extreme left views and the embrace of her socialist policies like the “Green New Deal.”
But, as Americans learn more and more about AOC the less they like her.
Fox New reports:
A Gallup poll released Friday shows that Ocasio-Cortez’s unfavorable rating has risen by 15 points since last September, when she had yet to win the general election, increasing from 26 percent to 41 percent of the American adults polled.
She has also managed to increase her favorability rating, but only by 7 points. About 31 percent of surveyed people view her favorably, compared to 24 percent in September.
AOC is becoming more and more known by Americans with her extreme antics and socialist policies. Only a fifth of the people surveyed didn’t know who she was.
Ocasio-Cortez has been rising above other freshman Congresswomen and is the most widely known freshman politician in Congress.
More people in the poll knew who AOC was than those who knew Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, Republican Senator Marco Rubio, or even Ted Cruz in their freshmen year.
The poll results show that AOC will most likely be around for a long while. Most of her support comes from the younger left leaning Democrat groups and her opposition comes from Republicans and conservative leaning Democrats.
Only a mere 5% of Republicans have a positive view of Ocasio-Cortez. While 56% of Democrats view her positively and %15 of Democrats polled do not like her.
AOC is favored by adults aged 18 – 34, people of color and women. She has a deficit of favorability with men, whites and adults over 55.
AOC also isn’t favored by self-described independents.
Gallup: As Americans become more familiar with AOC, the more unfavorably they view her. Her net favorable rating has dropped from -2 to -10, now at to 31-41 (was 24-26).
AOC’s net favorable rating dropped among men, women, independents, Republicans, and every age group.
— Happy St. Ratio’d Day (@NumbersMuncher) March 16, 2019
AOC shot back at Fox News’ reporting tweeting:
“The reason people know more is bc Fox News has turned into ‘AOC TMZ’ (no offense to TMZ), so awareness is growing w/ GOPers. @JaneMayerNYer has reported deeply on this propaganda machine + it will be aimed at any Dem they want. Nothing changes that.”