Just when you thought that the Democrats could not get any more petty, anymore consumed by hate, or anymore hypocritical … they do exactly that.
The Gateway Pundit explains:
‘They are completely unhinged and consumed by hate.
House Democrats introduced legislation on Thursday to prevent twice impeached US Presidents from being buried in Arlington Cemetery.
They called their bill the “No Glory for Hate” bill.’
The Democrats are now in the business of trying to tell President Trump here his corpse can rest for the balance of eternity.
Keep in mind that when the House votes to ‘impeach’ someone, it’s essentially and indictment. The trial then occurs in the Senate.
Both times the partisan crop of Democrats impeached Trump, the Senate votes to quit him. So, essentially this means the Democrats want to punish Trump, even though he was found not guilty.
Could it be any more clear that they are not interested in peace, unity, hope or anything other than malicious hate and complete and total control?
They hate due process and they hate democracy, and this bill singlehandedly proves it.
The text of the insanely tone deaf, petty and down right stupid bill is as follows:
To prohibit the use of Federal funds for the commemoration of certain former Presidents, and for other purposes.
This Act may be cited as the No Glory for Hate Act
Notwithstanding section 3102 of title 40, United States Code, no Federal funds may be used to—
name, designate, or redesignate a Federal building or Federal land after, or in commemoration of, any former President that has been twice impeached by the House of Representatives on or before the date of enactment of this Act or has been convicted of a State or Federal crime relating to actions taken in an official capacity as President of the United States.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no Federal funds or other Federal financial assistance may be provided to a State, political subdivision thereof, or entity if any such funds or financial assistance will be used for the benefit of any building, land, structure, installation, or any other property that bears the name, or is named or designated in commemoration of, any former President that has been twice impeached by the House of Representatives on or before the date of enactment of this Act or has been convicted of a State or Federal crime relating to actions taken in an official capacity as President of the United States.
Notwithstanding any provision of the Act entitled An Act to provide retirement, clerical assistants, and free mailing privileges to former Presidents of the United States, and for other purposes
, approved August 25, 1958 (3 U.S.C. 102 note; commonly known as the Former Presidents Act of 1958
), any former President that has been twice impeached by the House of Representatives on or before the date of enactment of this Act or has been convicted of a State or Federal crime relating to actions taken in an official capacity as President of the United States is not entitled to receive any benefit, other than Secret Service protection, under such Act.
Section 7722(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
What we need to do now is elect Republicans to Congress in the next session that will sign a pledge to impeach each and every single former Democrat President and official eligible, since JFK.
Hoist these tyrants on their own Petard … that’s with a big IF we ever see an honest election again.