They say that the rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and so it is with Andrew Cuomo that followed his failed father’s footsteps.
Mario Cuomo was so bad New Yorkers elected a Republican governor to replace him. That happens just about as often as Haley’s Comet. Andrew Cuomo is taking a lot of heat from Democrats who say he is lying about the number of nursing home deaths thanks to his policy of sending Covid positive patients to nursing homes.
That led to a massive amount of deaths by the most vulnerable Americans. Cuomo has consistently blamed everyone but himself for his policies. He has blamed Trump and the CDC. But neither one mandated sending Covid patients into nursing homes. There is blood on his hands and it’s never going to come off. But members of his own party do not want him removed from office, they just want to revoke his emergency powers.
Now, Cuomo said the reason he did not give the state legislature the information they sought because he got a request from the DOJ at the same time and he decided to give the information to them first. Forgive me if I am wrong but weren’t both looking for the same information? That means they really only needed to make one set of figures and then copy it for the other. Unless he was cooking the books.
Trash. No one believes you.
— Jessica Ramos (@jessicaramos) February 15, 2021
“At no point did the Administration notify the legislature about a DOJ investigation,” she added. “People died and Cuomo lied then he had the gall to write a book.”
At no point did the Administration notify the legislature about a DOJ investigation. People died and Cuomo lied then he had the gall to write a book.
— Jessica Ramos (@jessicaramos) February 15, 2021
Ramos is one of several state Democratic lawmakers who have called for Cuomo to be stripped of his emergency powers for his mishandling for the nursing home data. Last week, the Associated Press reported that Cuomo’s administration significantly underreported nursing home deaths, and the New York Post published a leaked transcript of a call in which a top Cuomo aide seemingly admitted his office withheld data out of a concern that it could be used in a federal investigation.
New York State Sens. Alessandra Biaggi and Gustavo Rivera, both Democrats, also took aim at Cuomo’s remarks. Both lawmakers said they first learned of the DOJ’s probe into New York nursing home deaths in local newspapers, not from the governor’s office.