The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) joined Maria Bartiromo today on Sunday Morning Futures.
During their conversation, Maria Bartiromo challenged Lindsey on why he did not do more to expose the Obamagate scandal, ahead of the last election, when he had the power to do so.
He doesn’t answer and goes on to waffle about “I’m not a prosecutor”.
That wasn’t the question.
This was not the first time Maria confronted Lindsey on his broken promises to the American people.
Maria confronted Lindsey Graham back in May over his lies.
In his response, Lindsey Graham told the Sunday Morning Futures audience, “Well I’m not a prosecutor. I told you this like ten thousand times. It’s not my job to put people in jail…
Maria Bartiromo: But, you had subpoena power. You had subpoena power.
Lindsey Graham: Look, we called McCabe. We called Comey. We called everybody…
This was another Lindsey lie. Lindsey Graham promised to call in several Deep State officials to testify which he didn’t. Then he promised to call in witnesses after the Horowitz report was released.
Then he promised to call in Hunter Biden to testify. In the end, it was all a lie. Lindsey called in a few witnesses and treated them with kid gloves.
It is obvious he took the helm at the Senate Judiciary Committee to run the clock out and to try to win re-election, which he did with the help of President Trump. And he did just that. Releasing his 11 interview documents is months too late and just for show.
Is there anything Lindsey ever got “to the bottom of”, as he is fond of saying? Lindsey is one of the most perfect swamp snakes, most always full of hot air on TV. Fox hosts pretend to care, alas.’
This man is not to be trusted, period.
South Carolina … get your crap together and vote this ass clown out!