Let me preface this opinion article by noting that this is not in any way a broad-brushed condemnation of Islam as a whole.
The fact is, one of my very best friends just happens to be a Muslim man and he too sees this type of talk as blasphemous and improper.
Simply because this line of thinking may or may not be reflective of the religion as a whole or the majority of its followers, it is important to know what certain Islamic leader are saying and what they are encouraging their flocks to do.
This type of culture has no place in a modern society and it runs so counter to the narrative the left claims as their own, it begs the question of “why?” Why would the left embrace such barbarism?
Breitbart is reporting:
“An Imam has told his congregation in Wales that war is approaching and Islam allows them to take women as slaves and rape them.
Ali Hammuda is an Imam at Cardiff’s Al-Manar Mosque, where three Islamic State (IS) fighters worshipped before travelling to Syria.
Rizwan Syed, an undercover reporter working for the Daily Mail, made the recordings. He recalled his time in the radical Cardiff mosque:
“I saw books preaching brutal violence, sexism, homophobia, aggressive physical jihad, dismemberment and capital punishment implemented by the state.
“It reinforces the idea that what these militant groups are doing, what IS is doing, is legitimised by history.”
In the audio, Imam Hammuda is heard telling a group of young men: “One of the interpretations as to what this means is that towards the end of time there will be many wars like what we are seeing today, and because of these wars women will be taken as captives, as slaves, yeah, women will be taken as slaves.
“And then, her master has relations with her because this is permissible in Islam, it’s permissible to have relations with a woman who is your slave or your wife.”
Let us know what you think of the Imam’s comments on Facebook.