In a March poll conducted by Range Broadcasting and this publication, social media site Spreely ( has emerged as the overwhelming favorite alternative to facebook.
Seventy one percent of the participants in the poll agreed that Spreely offered the easiest to adapt, best content and offered a facebook-like feel without the risk of being banned for comments, memes and opinions.
Many spreely members are refugees of the facebook purge and are no longer able to even access facebook at all.
Spreely was launched in October of 2018 and has grown steadily. The owners have continued to add interesting features to the site including a messenger feature that works much like the facebook messenger app.
The name “Spreely” is a contraction of “Speak Freely” and the platform has certainly lived up to it’s name.
According to recent news reports, as many as 5.4 million people have been removed from social media platforms for simply having a differing political ideology from the tech giants.
On October 11, 2018 facebook took the unilateral decision to wipe out hundreds of pro-Trump facebook pages totaling over 70 million fans. When asked by page owners why they were removed, facebook responded with a generic letter that simply said that pages were in violation of terms of service.
Spreely is absolutely free and is available on the the Google Play Store (Coming Soon to Apple, however the web-app is fully functional on the iPhone).
Visit to sign up.