The French and the Democratic party takes different stances but for different reasons. France has killed mail-in voting and voting machines because it is too easy to cheat.
Democrats agree that it makes it easy to cheat and that’s why they are all for it.
France is not the first country to make this discovery. Both Ireland and the Netherlands have already banned them arguing it was too easy to manipulate the vote.
Liberals in France tried to enshrine machines and mail-in ballots for France but they were rebuffed.
The Democrats also want other ways to cheat such as accepting ballots ten days after the election and ballot harvesting and the elimination of voter ID laws. If they accomplish all of that they would never lose another presidential election. Especially when they do not allow poll watchers to see what the vote tabulators are doing.
Here’s a bit of history from RT France:
The government tabled an amendment in the Senate on February 16, 2021, as part of the discussions on the draft organic law on the election of the President of the Republic, which aims to introduce “advance voting” on “a voting machine” during the presidential election. “This amendment introduces an advance vote for the presidential election,” the document says, adding: “Voters may request to vote in another commune, of their choice, from a list of communes decided by the Minister of the Interior. An entry into force “at the latest on January 1, 2022”, according to the text. This vote would take place “on a voting machine, whose votes would be counted at the same time as the other offices of the commune, in order to avoid the risks of fraud or influence on the vote of other voters”.
Another RT France report listed some of the criticisms from prominent politicians:
The MP and president of Marine Le Pen’s National Assembly expressed surprise on Twitter that the government “doesn’t have time to introduce proportional representation, but [it] has time to fiddle with an early vote”.
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, deputy and president of Standup France, affirmed that Emmanuel Macron “wants to steal the presidential election from us” by doing “everything to jam the ballot”. “Our democracy is in mortal danger,” he said.
Patriots President Florian Philippot wondered what the need is for advance voting, “if not to defraud”.
François Asselineau, president of the UPR and candidate in the 2017 presidential election, said that “voting machines – a fortiori in advance – are one of the known means of rigging the electoral results”.
Wake up, America.