Let’s be honest, the current ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement, which was organized by self described ‘trained Marxists’ has little to no parallels to the Civil Rights movement of the last century.
For starters, the heroes who took part in the Civil Rights Movement were peaceful, for one.
The iconic photos of their struggle feature their ranks being beaten, abused, sprayed with water cannons, dogs sent after them, etc, all while they took the moral high ground and remained peaceful.
This is why they won, the optics alone made it indisputable who was on the right side of history. Of course it did not hurt that they were also morally right.
Today’s BLM movement has almost nothing in common with the afore mentioned events. While MLK preached EQUALITY and BROTHERHOOD, BLM chants ‘F*** White People’.
Where MLK was brave enough to remain peaceful in the face of vicious attacks, BLM instigates mob violence against innocent bystanders … based on their skin color none the less!
BLM is more like Cyrus’ unified mega-gang in the iconic 1979 film ‘The Warriors’ than they are similar to any peaceful coalition with legitimate grievances.
This clip from ‘The Warriors’ sums up what BLM and Antifa have become better than anything else:
Don’t believe me? Well, check out this report from Fox News today:
‘A Black Lives Matter march through Midtown Manhattan turned violent Friday night, with 11 protesters arrested.
The NYPD reported that two officers suffered minor injuries during the protest, which was attended by about 100 marchers; officials could not immediately say how the cops were hurt.
At least some of those arrested were accused of attacking Daily News photographer Sam Costanza at the intersection of Sixth Avenue and 54th Street in the mistaken belief that he was a cop, sources said.’
Multiple BLM Protesters Arrested in Midtown NYC tonight following a "F**K 12" march. Member of the press also appear to have been arrested. 11 people were arrested and reports of two injured officers.
[email protected] to license pic.twitter.com/Lxk8zZ24ji
— Oliya Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) February 13, 2021
‘The photog was surrounded and struck after one of the marchers recognized him from a BLM protest outside the NYPD’s 6th Precinct house in Greenwich Village last year, according to sources.
The agitated protester began yelling, “He’s a cop,” inciting many of his fellow marchers.
About a dozen people surrounded the photog, shoving him and beating him with their fists and other objects, sources said.
The NYPD confirmed the attack, telling The Post “a member of the media” was assaulted, and police made “a number of arrests.”‘
Now, could you imagine for just a second if a there was a bunch of Trump supporters roving the streets looking for fights with cops and beating journalists bloody just because some claimed they were a police officer?
GTFO of here, it would be the lede on every network for the rest of time.
Unfortunately, it’s no longer ‘equality’ that the left is after, but rather ‘equity’, which, as it turns out, is just another word for communism.