If anyone were ever to ask my advice about whether or not they should go on mainstream media TV to express a favorable opinion of conservative ideals, I would emphatically tell them not to even respond to the request.
UNLESS you were going to do what Michael Van Der Veen (President Trump’s successful impeachment defense attorney) did when CBS tried to sandbag him and lie to the public.
I watch a lot of news clips, but this guy is now a legend in my view. It’s time we stop letting the media weave false narratives and run blocks for the communists while we sit there politely and listen. These networks are weaponizing their broadcasts, which they have every right to do, but we don’t have to watch it, and if they try to do it while we are guests, we don’t have to put up with it either.
You are going to LOVE this, trust me on this one …
The Gateway Pundit explained:
‘Trump Attorney Michael van der Veen spoke with CBS News following the acquittal of his client President Donald Trump by the US Senate in the second frivolous impeachment attempt by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Van Der Veen blasted CBS News hack Lana Zak who tried to defend the Democrat lawmakers who presented doctored and fraudulent evidence during the Senate impeachment trial.’
Here is part of the transcript thanks to the one and only Gateway Pundit (can you tell we like them .. a lot?):
Michael van der Veen: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! That’s not enough for you? That’s not enough for you?
Lana Zak: I’m not a juror… Sir, respectfully, not everyone is following… I have not said it was OK. I want to be clear for our viewers…
Michael van der Veen: Listen, what has to happen… (interrupted) The media has to start telling the right story in this country. The media is trying to divide this country.
You are bloodthirsty for ratings!… I can’t believe that you would ask me question indicating that it’s alright just to doctor a little bit of evidence. There’s more stuff that we uncovered that they doctored to be frank with you. And perhaps that will come out one day.
But we won this case… And someone should look at the conduct of these House managers. It’s unconscionable!… Your coverage is so slanted it’s got to stop!

Screenshot Via Gateway Pundit
Next, Van der Veen absolutely slayed the CBS fake news pimp(tress?), tore off his microphone and marched out of the shot.
Trust me, you will NOT regret watching this, the interview with Van Der Veen begins at about 3:00 into the clip
Just before the 6 minute mark it gets AMAZING:
This is the only way to deal with these Operation Mockingbird propagandists if you ever have to. Do not let them gaslight their viewers while you are their prop. Speak your truth clearly and when they try to start spinning, lying and running cover for the CCP … SHUT THEM DOWN!
Well done sir. Well, frickin’ done!