They love to call us ‘conspiracy theorists’ … while they plot things that are even more tyrannical and terrifying than we could ever imagine. We have reported on a lot of tyranny, but their own admissions take the cake.
It looks like you and I may have been on our last airplane ride already. It doesn’t matter that we had absolutely nothing to do with the events at the Capitol on the 6th … or that when compared to what BLM has been doing to Federal buildings and Federal Officers that the shameful events of the 6th were a mere stop in the bucket, they are coming for us none the less.
Honestly, at this rate I do not think that we will be free men and woman much longer. Expect purges, teams rounding up anyone who ever expressed support for Trump or the US Constitution. Don’t try to erase your posts now, for one they already have all the information and data on your past posts as everything on the internet lives forever at the NSA, and two that will only embolden them.
The Conservative Treehouse reported:
‘The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is now getting ready to hire public companies, individual contractors outside government, to scour public data and social media in order to provide information for the new “domestic terror watch lists.” From the description it appears DHS is going to pay “big tech” (Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, etc.), via contracts, to hire and organize internal monitoring teams to assist the government by sending information on citizens they deem “dangerous.”
Gee, what could possibly go wrong with this?…
NBC is reporting on these new developments as the U.S. intelligence apparatus is preparing to go live with the assembly of lists of Americans who “could be” potential threats to the government; and need to be watched.
However, even NBC is beginning to realize the consequences: “DHS planning to expand relationships with companies that scour public data for intelligence and to better harness the vast trove of data it already collects on Americans. The department is also contemplating changes to its terrorist watch listing process.”’
Here’s the article from NBC News:
WASHINGTON — The Department of Homeland Security, created after the 9/11 attacks to protect the country from international terrorism, is moving toward a sweeping set of policy changes aimed at detecting and stopping what intelligence officials say is now a top threat to the homeland: domestic violent extremism.
Two senior Biden administration officials told NBC News that DHS, whose intelligence division did not publish a warning of potential violence before the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, is seeking to improve its ability to collect and analyze data about domestic terrorism — including the sorts of public social media posts that threatened a potential attack on the Capitol, but were not deemed “actionable” by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies.
DHS is planning to expand its relationships with companies that scour public data for intelligence, one of the senior officials said, and also to better harness the vast trove of data it already collects on Americans, including travel and commercial data through Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Coast Guard, the Secret Service and other DHS components. (read more)’
Overlay this with the Covid-19 induced Tyranny and all of a sudden the ‘contact tracing’ systems that were involuntarily placed on your cell phone begin to make a lot more sense. The ironic part is that the IC and the Big Tech Speech Cartel already knows where you are at all minuets of the day thanks to your tracking device … err, smart phone.
A lot of people like to make fun of Alex Jones for some of the things he has said in the past. Alex even makes fun of himself a lot, however, say what you will about Alex he was way ahead of his time when he purchased the domain ‘prison planet’.com … nothing could be more over the target, illustrating where this world is headed than those two words … PIRSON PLANET.