The wheels are coming off the establishment’s cart at break neck pace. This really has become a race to the bottom and it is hard to watch.
The media, which has not really had any credibility in my mind for about 20 years or so (that’s about how long I’ve been paying attention) has jumped the shark. Their insistence in trying to run cover for the tyrannical, Chinese Communist styled take over of the United States of America, has moved them from useful idiots, to complicit in installing a tyranny that will end up resulting in the end of individual liberty on planet Earth.
If you think I am being dramatic, perhaps you need to think about what the world will look like when the United States is no longer resisting the CCP’s efforts to install a global tyranny, but rather doing their bidding. America was the only super power 10 years ago, now the CCP is not only a threat, they are in control of our White House and legislature and it could not be more obvious.
While the media insists that there is no crisis at the Southern border, in the same breath pretending to be outraged by Obama’s cages when Trump was in office, they now could care less that kids are literally pilled on top of each other in scenes reminiscent of a POW camp at the border.
Things have gotten so bad that they can no longer deny it and now Biden is begging for people to volunteer to help assist his regiment/voting block from South and Central America to flood into the nation.
The Democrats have no interest in creating a rising tide that will lift all boats, they clearly would rather race to the bottom, so that we are all forced to beg for assistance to have enough scraps to feed our kids.
Fox News reported:
‘The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has sent a memo to various heads of government agencies seeking “volunteer deployments” for up to 120 days to help border officials deal with the surge of unaccompanied children crossing the border, Fox News has confirmed.
“We are actively working to screen, process and deploy these volunteers while continuing our recruitment efforts and exploration of other avenues to bolster staff resources at the border,” an OPM spokesperson said.
Kathleen McGettigan, acting director of OPM, said the federal agency is partnering with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to support the Biden administration’s “urgent efforts” to care for the unaccompanied migrant children who have crossed into the U.S. through the southern border.
McGettigan said the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) – an office within HHS – needs federal government civilian employees for deployment of up to 120 days to support ORR at facilities for unaccompanied children.
The facilities are located along the southwest U.S. border and elsewhere, and include Dallas, San Diego, San Antonio and Fort Bliss. Locations will extend to other geographic areas according to need, McGettigan said in her memo.
“ORR provides a continuum of care for children, including placements in ORR foster care, shelter, and residential care providers that provide temporary housing and other services to unaccompanied children in ORR custody,” McGettigan said. “ORR and its care providers work to ensure that children are released timely and safely from ORR custody to parents, other family members, or other adults … who can care for the child’s physical and mental well-being. ‘
If you think this is in the United State’s best interest … I don’t even know what to tell you. This is clearly an attempt flood the country with cheap labor for the mega corporations, a new voting block for the Democrats (after they ram HR-1 through the Senate), and a balkanization force which will also erase what is left of the culture that lead America to become the world’s only superpower in a matter of decades.
Say goodbye to your individual liberty. This is it America, we have already had our last election where the will of the people determines who wins elections. Welcome to the CCP, Unites States franchise.