You have seen the pics of the troops and barriers at the Capitol.
You know about the tens of thousands of troops in DC ready to do battle with any imaginary enemy they are instructed to find.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
Joe Biden’s Secretary of Defense nominee Lloyd Austin said if he is confirmed he will “rid our ranks of racists and extremists.”
And by “racists and extremists” he is referring to white male Trump supporters.
“If confirmed, I will work hard to stamp out sexual assault and to rid our ranks of racists and extremists and create a climate where everyone fit and willing has the opportunity to serve this country,” Lloyd Austin said referring to transgenders at Tuesday’s confirmation hearing.
At confirmation hearing, Sec. of Defense nominee Gen. Lloyd Austin says that if confirmed, he "will work hard to stamp out sexual assault and to rid our ranks of racists and extremists."
— ABC News (@ABC) January 19, 2021
You did not need to see this video to know what time it is! This is already well under way as the GWP goes one:
‘The Deep State and Marxists are waging a war on our troops.
The FBI vetted 25,000 National Guard troops in DC to ensure they will be loyal to Joe Biden.
A military loyalty test that is based on a servicemember’s social media and background is dangerous and un-American.’
If you are white, have a job and saved a few bucks, you are the enemy, turn in your guns and report to the local camp to be reeducated.
Congrats everyone, this is it, tyranny is now here.