The fact that Joe Biden had the … lack of character (to be as polite as I possibly can be about it) to call Trump a dictator for issuing a handful of Executive Orders is just too much for me to bare.
A mere 8 days after Biden was sworn in, The Washington Examiner reported:
‘When President Biden was campaigning, he was clear that there were limits to the use of executive orders “unless you’re a dictator.”
Now that he is in power, things look different. In his first eight days, he signed 24 orders, as well as nine memorandums and four proclamations, on everything from mandated mask-wearing on federal property to rejoining the Paris climate accords.’
As of today Biden has signed nearly 40 Presidential decrees, with real questions about whether or not he ever knows what the hell it is that he is signing.
Well, Biden’s desire for dictatorial power is coming back to bite him in the … (what Cuomo likes to grab on unexacting young women), as he is now being sued by a small army of states.
Fox News is reporting:
‘A coalition of 12 states is suing President Biden’s administration over a climate executive order that they claim has the potential to have a serious economicimpact across the country through the expansion of federal regulatory power.
The suit, which is being led by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, was filed on Monday. State attorneys general from Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Utah also joined the action.
It alleges that Biden’s Executive Order 13990, titled “Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis,” does not have the authority to issue binding numbers for the “social cost” of greenhouse gases to be used in federal regulations.
The breakdown of the social costs shows $269 billion for carbon dioxide, $990 billion for methane, and $8.24 trillion for nitrous oxide – totaling approximately $9.5 trillion, according to the lawsuit, which cited interim values determined by an interagency working group that was created by Biden’s order.
Schmitt said that those potential regulations will stifle manufacturing and harm agriculture in Missouri, where state figures show that hundreds of thousands of people work in those industries.
“Under President Biden’s executive order, which he didn’t have the authority to enact, these hard-working Missourians who have lived and worked this land for generations, could be left in the dust,” Schmitt said in a written press release.
But the suit claims that the impact from the $9.5 trillion “social cost” of greenhouse gases will stretch farther than just Missouri.’
The lawsuit states ‘“In practice, this enormous figure will be used to justify an equally enormous expansion of federal regulatory power that will intrude into every aspect of Americans’ lives— from their cars, to their refrigerators and homes, to their grocery and electric bills.”
The complaint goes on to state that “It will be used to inflict untold billions or trillions of dollars of damage to the U.S. economy for decades to come”
Biden stands accuse of violating “the most fundamental bulwark of liberty,” the separation of powers. This is something that the left has been working around the clock to weaken ever since Pelosi got her gavel back.
Unfortunately the Supreme Court has become a supreme disappointment recently. Combine that with the fact that the Democrats control both branches of government and it looks like the pain of sundowns and ‘carbon restrictions’ may go on for a long time, long enough until we are able to replace the ruling regime with one who actually wants to see Americans grow their business and our economy, not China’s.