State attorney in Baltimore, Marilyn Mosby has decided not to prosecute crimes in her district that she considers to be low level crimes including
-CDS (drug) possession
-Attempted distribution CDS
-Paraphernalia possession
-Minor traffic offenses
-Open container
-Rogue and vagabond
-Urinating/defecating in public
Mosby and her husband are under investigation.
Mosby and her husband are under federal investigation for corruption and many subpoenas have gone out in connection with the case. Mosby is being investigated for using campaign funds to pay her personal legal fees. No other information on what crimes they are being investigated for but there must be other things the feds are looking at because Mosby’s husband would not be responsible for his wife’s possible misuse of campaign funds.
There is no proof that refusing to prosecute what some consider minor crimes such as selling drugs does anything to lower the crime rates other than the fact that many crimes will no longer show up in the statistics. I lived in the New York Metro area when Rudy Giuliani was mayor of New York and he went the other way, enforcing minor crimes and the crime rate in the City plunged.
In a press release, Mosby claims that policies she has enacted have decreased crime in Baltimore, which is true but only because people aren’t being arrested for many crimes. But the murder rate and non fatal shootings are on the rise, at least until Mosby decides to no longer charge them with crimes.
In a press release:
“Today, America’s war on drug users is over in the city of Baltimore. We leave behind the era of tough-on-crime prosecution and zero tolerance policing and no longer default to the status quo to criminalize mostly people of color for addiction. We will develop sustainable solutions and allow our public health partners to do their part to address mental health and substance use disorder,” said State’s Attorney Mosby.
The crime riddled city of Baltimore will no longer be prosecuting “low level crimes” including prostitution and drug distribution, the State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced on Friday.
The mayor applauded the decision.
“Reimagining public safety in Baltimore requires innovation and collaborative effort. I applaud State’s Attorney Mosby’s Office for working with partners to stem violence in Baltimore and ensure residents have the adequate support services they deserve,” said Mayor Brandon Scott.