The United States as we knew it, as a bastion of individual liberty, electoral government and land of opportunity, is a distant memory now.
I supported, and continue to support President Trump, however, if we are being honest, his biggest mistake (IMHO) was not coming down on Big Tech with the power of 1,000,000 suns.
We have been warning for years, what the Speech Cartel did to publishers like us, they would do to Trump and eventually everyone who stands in their way of total global domination.
Now Twitter appears to be working hand in hand with the Democrats in order to gag a duly elected member of Congress’s ability to defend herself publicly, all while Democrats seek to overturn the will of the voters and remove her from Congress.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘Twitter has locked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene out of her Twitter account on the day that Democrats are introducing a resolution to overturn the will of voters and expel her from Congress.
A spokesperson for Greene confirmed that she is locked out of the account for 12 hours for unspecified “repeated violations.”
At least four hours remain in the suspension as of 9 a.m. EST.
You can still follow Rep. Greene on Parler, Gab, and Telegram.
California Rep. Jimmy Gomez is introducing the resolution to oust her on Friday — and his effort is cosponsored by 72 House Democrats. Among those pushing the anti-Democratic effort are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Greene is not a member of the establishment and has become the target of obsession by the liberal media, who are suffering from low ratings without Donald Trump to whine about daily.
Gomez’ resolution Gomez also calls for “strong and clear condemnation from all of her Republican colleagues,” including House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy, though he has so-far been unwilling to throw her under the bus to appease the left.’
Removal of the Congresswoman would require a 2/3 super majority, something that I would like to think is unlikely.
However, whether or not they are successful does not matter as much as the fact that they are actually trying to ban the opposing political party from existing.
First it will be Greene then it will be the GOP and anyone who does not get onboard with the Tech Left’s agenda. We have been warning about this for years. This is a Marxist takeover and it’s happening at breakneck speed.