Syndicated Via National File| GABRIEL KEANE|
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced Monday that he would be taking executive action against the “vaccine passports” being developed by the Biden regime and private corporations to deny Americans the right to commerce if they cannot provide proof of receiving a COVID vaccination shot on the spot.
“You want the fox to guard the hen house? I mean, give me a break,” DeSantis said. “I think this is something that has huge privacy implications, it is not necessary to do.”
DeSantis said that while it’s “important” for vulnerable populations to be able to take the vaccine, “we are not going to have you provide proof of this just to be able to live your life normally, and I’m going to be taking some action, in an executive function, emergency function right here very shortly.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) says he’ll be taking executive action against “vaccine passports” over privacy concerns:
“You want the fox to guard the hen house? I mean, give me a break.”
— The Recount (@therecount) March 29, 2021
As National File reported Sunday, “vaccine passports” are being pushed by the Biden regime in cooperation with private companies:
According to The Washington Post, the Biden regime “and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials — often referred to as ‘vaccine passports’ — that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen.”
They note that many businesses, “from cruise lines to sports teams,” will require individuals to take the COVID-19 vaccine before they are offered business. The Biden regime, apparently, views this as a positive development.
“The passports are expected to be free and available through applications for smartphones,” the Post reported. “Which could display a scannable code similar to an airline boarding pass. Americans without smartphone access should be able to print out the passports, developers have said.”
According to those developing the vaccine passports, they must be entirely unique, and not able to be hacked or tampered with, lest Americans engage in commerce without taking one of the controversial vaccines.