This is just one more bit of proof of what a disaster Joe Biden has been, is and will be for this country.
He just paid off Iran to the tune of $3 billion dollars in funds he unfroze from Iraq, Oman and South Korea. Just another pallet of cash in an effort to appease the biggest terrorist nation on the planet. It’s like we are paying them to build nuclear weapons. Joe Biden is a traitor not only to us but to the world.
He now wants to rejoin the deal that Iran has violated many times. His mental condition might be contributing to his insanity in dealing with Iran. That deal will not bring peace. No one denies that war is a terrible thing but it took a war to stop Hitler and a war might be necessary to keep nukes out of the hands of terrorists. Peace happens not through negotiations with the bad guys. Only defeat will bring them to the table in honesty. But I hope it won’t be necessary.
Iran can play Democrats like a fiddle. They get everything they want in the deals they made with Obama and the one they will sign with Biden. But, in the end they will violate that agreement too. Biden will make excuses for them and Republicans will be called racist warmongers. And in the end there will be tragedy either against us or Israel. The consequences are frightening.
Al-Arabiya reported:
The United States has agreed to the release of $3 billion in Iranian funds that have been frozen in Iraq, Oman and South Korea due to Washington’s sanctions, Iranian trade official Hamid Hosseini told the semi-official Fars news agency on Sunday.
Hosseini, board member of the Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce, had tweeted on Friday that Washington approved the release of frozen Iranian assets at the Trade Bank of Iraq, without mentioning the value of the assets.
Hosseini on Sunday confirmed that the US agreed to the release of $3 billion in Iranian frozen assets in the three countries.
US sanctions imposed by former President Donald Trump have prevented Iran from accessing tens of billions of its assets in foreign banks.
Iranian frozen assets in Iraq amount to more than $6 billion, according to Iranian officials.
The head of the Iran-South Korea Chamber of Commerce said in October Iranian frozen funds in South Korea are worth $8.5 billion and added that their release depended on the outcome of the US presidential election.
The big game was in November and we let the CCP take it right out of our hands. There is egg on our faces. It appears Biden is going to side with Iranian terrorists over the Israeli people. This is not going to play well in the history books … that is, if the good guys win …. ‘IF’