Sometimes I wonder what the hell this world is going to look like when my kids are my age, and worse yet, will humans even survive long enough to see it.
The media, entertainment industry, CCP, Democratic Party, and plenty of other groups have been working overtime to debase our culture. Children are taught they are victims and that everything is someone else’s fault. They are told they are entitled to the work product of others.
Perhaps worst of all there are no consequences for their actions. Those types of environments makes situations like this inevitable. This is the world under the ‘left hand path’.
Fox News is reporting:
‘Loved ones of the 24-year-old Pennsylvania woman who was reportedly drugged and raped and was later found dead in a Miami Beach hotel room are remembering her as an “amazing human being” and a “beautiful girl.”
The Miami-Dade Medical Examiner’s Office is still working to determine Christine Englehardt’s cause of death after the young woman’s semi-nude body was discovered Thursday at the Albion Hotel in South Beach, according to reports.
Investigators determined she was drugged and sexually assaulted, the Miami Herald and the New York Post reported. The suspects then reportedly stole her credit cards and left less than an hour after arriving.
Evoire Collier, 21, and Dorian Taylor, 24 — both from Greensboro, North Carolina — have been arrested and charged with sexual battery, burglary with battery, petty theft and the fraudulent use of a credit card, the Herald reported. More charges could follow depending on the medical examiner’s determination, officials said.
Collier told investigators that Taylor allegedly gave Englehardt a “green pill,” which he believed was Percocet, according to the Herald.
Chillingly, in a post on her purported Facebook page from July 2019, Englehardt urged her followers “go with [their] gut” after she had a scary experience with what she believed was a “predator scheme.”
In a stunning and infuriatingly disrespectful display to the family of the victim, the sister of one suspect asked the judge to ‘let our family handle the situation appropriately’ as if the men were charged with shooting spitballs in school:
“I’m severely bewildered by these charges and accusations against him, but I can attest for his character and I can attest for responsibility of him standing trial for whatever charges,” the sister Judge Mindy S. Glazer. “If you please let my brother come home and let our family handle the situation appropriately we will do whatever is necessary that Miami-Dade County asks of us.”
If this were my daughter and someone had the gall to make that statement I would flip my ****. This is what happens when you raise a generation with no consequences, sense of self responsibility, and tell everyone they are a victim, that someone else is always to blame.
Luckily, the judge refused to release the suspects on bond according to the Daily Mail.
Let’s hope the people who did this to this beautiful young woman are brought to justice. In the meanwhile, you can help the family by donating to their fundraiser HERE.