In February alone, the first full month of the Biden regime over 100,0000 illegals was detained at the border, many of them have already been released into the United States.
It’s funny that Biden insists on lockdowns and social distancing measures but like all Democrats, they ditch it when it is inconvenient. It’s hard to take Democrats seriously when they ditch all the rules if it interferes with their ‘America Last’ agenda.
The border is a great example. No illegals crossing into the United States are being tested for COVID-19.
Biden has abolished occupancy for the detention centers and allows for full capacity which means the virus will spread faster and then the infected people are sent throughout the United States.
If the Democrat’s dire warnings were real, would they allow this to happen? I would hardly think so.
CNN and Axios reported the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a memo set aside COVID-19 rules that allow the detention facilities to remain open and allows them to be at full capacity.
This creates a super spreader scenario if the Democrats and their media lapdogs were actually right about locking down late this year or early next year.
So, why are we supposed to have faith in what the Democrats tell us if they refuse to live by their own rules?
Biden’s open borders plan is working to perfection and the number of illegals coming to this country has exploded and shows no signs of letting up anytime during the next nearly four years.
Biden claims there is no crises at the border and there isn’t if you let a little thing like massive illegal immigration is part of your agenda.
Joe Biden campaigned on reversing President Trump’s strict immigration policies and the migrants are responding in kind. Biden also campaigned on saving the country from COVID, but it appears flooding the country with migrants is more important to Biden than protecting Americans from COVID.
The Biden administration has notified facilities caring for migrant children that they can open back up to pre-Covid-19 levels, acknowledging “extraordinary circumstances” due to a rising number of minors crossing the US-Mexico border, according to a memo obtained by CNN.
The increase in arrivals of unaccompanied children put additional strain on the immigration system, which was operating under limited capacity as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
…There are approximately 7,700 unaccompanied children in HHS care. The department has around 13,650 beds to accommodate children when not under reduced capacity.